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Trials Techniques

Jack Morton

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Well as the title says this is basicually a page on which diffrent trials bikers which are new to the sport can chat upon techniques they do ( how they do tricks )

e.g : sidehopping ect

So that other riders could try them and learn to do it

Please be as descriptive as possiable

Right basicually i have been finding it really hard recentually to sidehop and was wondering if anyone had a technique which is working out for them which they could possiably share with me it would be a great help if you did

Edited by jackm9863
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Thing to remember is slow down...just take it one step at a time.

If you rush yourself and try landing the thing as fast as humanly possible its more likely you'll fail/bail.

As far as sidehops go...find me a wall, get on the back wheel, find balancing point (trying not to rush) and then using my upper body throw everything upwards with a kick of the pedals and tucking my legs like no tomorrow...at the same time trying to see where i want to land and aiming best i can to get both wheels inline for the final landing.

...or something like that. :mellow:

Edited by Dave!
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  Dave! said:
Thing to remember is slow down...just take it one step at a time.

If you rush yourself and try landing the thing as fast as humanly possible its more likely you'll fail/bail.

As far as sidehops go...find me a wall, get on the back wheel, find balancing point (trying not to rush) and then using my upper body throw everything upwards with a kick of the pedals and tucking my legs like no tomorrow...at the same time trying to see where i want to land and aiming best i can to get both wheels inline for the final landing.

...or something like that. :mellow:

it sounds like a awful lot to do

i did go and try it but i think i could do with abit more practice it just will take me time wont it

Anyone eles with trick which they cant do very well

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  pogo said:
Nice, got any about how to tap? Without using a half pedal stroke? My technique is shocking.

Urm I haven't I don't genrally tap, usually just go straight upto back, I find I only ever tap when i need it to make that extra bit of height, its not something that i do conciously really.

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  Simpson said:
Urm I haven't I don't genrally tap, usually just go straight upto back, I find I only ever tap when i need it to make that extra bit of height, its not something that i do conciously really.

I'm stuck at about 33 inches and just cant get any higher.

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  pogo said:
I'm stuck at about 33 inches and just cant get any higher.

Quite a lot of people suffer from this and let me tell you straight IT IS ALL MENTAL, I got stuck at bar height with all my moves once and found I couldn't get any higher, to over come it I put a pallet on top of a Bar height wall and just kept on trying it, like just a couple of times a week I would go to the same wall and keep doing it, and in the end I got it! And as soon as youv'e done something once mentally you can belive you can do it all the time, and it got to the stage when i could do it consistantly, so just keep pushing it and it will come, try to think positive, ( i hate sidehopping ) and sometimes just before I lurch i think "shit I don't want to do this" and 100% of those times I will fall off and it does hurt, so think you can do it and nail it.

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that moves called a front to back... basically you go onto your front wheel on-top of a an obstacle, then rip the bars upwards, and push the backwheel down onto the obstacle....

Ahh, thats what that moves called, i've been trying them myself.

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ok i know that you guys are seriously interested in getting good my advise would be to watch as many videos as possible find the technique you want and try and copy it, but still the only thing that will make you a great trials rider is pure practise.

also try checking out trashzen

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  side hop shaun said:
ok i know that you guys are seriously interested in getting good my advise would be to watch as many videos as possible find the technique you want and try and copy it, but still the only thing that will make you a great trials rider is pure practise.

also try checking out trashzen

I do watch video's lots of them. On youtube , vimeo , ect but i find it easier to learn new things either when i am out riding with someone which is better then me as i find i pick things up quicker or when diffrent people tell me there technique and i go out and try it if i cant then do it i will go and try someone eles way of doing it and then just practice and practice

Simpson i belive has already helped me on improving my sidehoping just by making a video , slowing it down and adding text into a video i found it alot more easier to do it after that so for that video i would like to say thankyou and to all the other people which tryed to explain it to me

What i am trying to say it diffrent people have diffrent ways to learn things dont critasize that. But also thanks for saying to watch as many video's as possiable that could be a great help so people

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  jackm9863 said:
Simpson i belive has already helped me on improving my sidehoping just by making a video ,

Cheers man everyone seems to have given them a good responce and seemed to like it, maybe I'll try and make a full set of vids for every move when i get a spare few days. That one was knocked up in 5 minutes, the main problem with it i think is that its not a very big wall so i don't have to exagerate any of the movements involved, like in that my pre-load is tiny but on a bigger wall i would get a lot lower to power up higher, (as is shown by better riders)

But yea I'll try an do it :)

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  Simpson said:
Cheers man everyone seems to have given them a good responce and seemed to like it, maybe I'll try and make a full set of vids for every move when i get a spare few days. That one was knocked up in 5 minutes, the main problem with it i think is that its not a very big wall so i don't have to exagerate any of the movements involved, like in that my pre-load is tiny but on a bigger wall i would get a lot lower to power up higher, (as is shown by better riders)

But yea I'll try an do it :)

Yeah you will have to well thanks again i am slowly getting higher :rolleyes: although i think i am getting to the highest point i can do. For now atleast

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