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Fingers Stiffening During Long Rides/comps


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Hi, whenever i ride for long periods of time or in the case of today, the shipley glen comp, i did 2 laps of 10. The first lap went well but on the second i would begin to ride the 2 minute section and after 50-60 secs my fingers were hurting and wouldn't apply the pressure i needed to lock up the wheels (for pedal hops e.t.c) and at the end of the section when i opened my hand up i kept getting a pain through all my fingers. All i was wanting to know is if anybody else has had this problem, if so how did you deal with it? cheers!


Edited by Nickkkkk
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Hi, whenever i ride for long periods of time or in the case of today, the shipley glen comp, i did 2 laps of 10. The first lap went well but on the second i would begin to ride the 2 minute section and after 50-60 secs my fingers wouldn't apply the pressure i needed to lock up the wheels (for pedal hops e.t.c) and at the end of the section when i opened my hand up i kept getting a pain through all my fingers. All i was wanting to know is if anybody else has had this problem, if so how did you deal with it? cheers!


That is cramp and I get it all the time. (N)

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eating bananas during comps helps.. dont ask me how or why, but it works a treat! Last comp i rode, i cramped up soo bad took 2 fives, then ate a banana and waited bout 10mins, rode next section on a 2. Not great lol, but better than another 5.

I find too that relaxing helps alot and try to flow more / less brake squeeze helps longevity before cramp sets in.

good luck with it. i know its a curse for quite a lot of riders.

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How long have you been competing?

If not long, this is a common occurance, especially in the early stages.

I used to get it all the time. Now its barely ever, just make sure you drink plenty of water, Powerade, etc

As Dan mentioned, bananas are a lifesaver and I will back multiple bananas 110%! ;)

Stretch your fingers downwards on the bar mid-section (whilst trackstanding against an obstacle).

Also try relying less on brakes and less hopping around where possible.

Finally, try those hand-grip exercise thingies, they can help your hands get stronger quicker. Worked heaps well for me.

Hope this helps

Edited by .mitch
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Hi, whenever i ride for long periods of time or in the case of today, the shipley glen comp, i did 2 laps of 10. The first lap went well but on the second i would begin to ride the 2 minute section and after 50-60 secs my fingers were hurting and wouldn't apply the pressure i needed to lock up the wheels (for pedal hops e.t.c) and at the end of the section when i opened my hand up i kept getting a pain through all my fingers. All i was wanting to know is if anybody else has had this problem, if so how did you deal with it? cheers!


I Get the same thing...almost always when its cold...

as said.....add a little more salt to your diet and drink plenty of water/juice or the far easier way


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thats arm pump your talking about. you could try using excercise balls to build up the muscle, also riding longer and doing more competitions will help over time. another thing you could consider is running a vee brake. reason being is you can change the pull back and have a really light feeling brake compared to a magura. it does take abit of tinkering to get set up though

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