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Peadal Thread


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Hi everyone,

Just had a quick look over my Monty, and the left hand peadal has come loose. I know for a fact it was tight as anything at the weekend. So during my ride it has to have worked lose somehow. Anyone got tips on stopping this?



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Hi everyone,

Just had a quick look over my Monty, and the left hand peadal has come loose. I know for a fact it was tight as anything at the weekend. So during my ride it has to have worked lose somehow. Anyone got tips on stopping this?



Opposite threads. Google it.

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You come out with some stupid shit sometimes.

Not only that but pretty much every pedal on the market has L and R on the end of the axel.


id say most of the time.....

Pedals always loosen towards the rear of the bike...., eg top of the spanner pushes towards the back of the bike.

As said above, loctite will be your best option, just make sure you get the stuff designed to be undone with hand-tools though (Y)

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Cheers for the replys. Having worked on motorbikes for most of my life im fairly confedent with spanners and thred types ;) . Dont know why, but thread lock had just completly sliped my mind. Cheers and when i have a bit of time, i will rebuild my V8's and wack them on there.


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You will have to find one in 9/16", 20tpi l/h and r/h cycle thread though, thats the hard part, infact I would say nigh on impossible ;)

virtually impossible to find one for this size...i tried and failed :(

Better off with a replacement tensile crank insert

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