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Bodgeing Stuff.

Matt Vandart

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I'm always bodging stuff to keep bikes going, this is because I can't help doing it, I just gotta try.

I'm not talking about mechanical ineptitude, I can do anything on a bike, Except build wheels which really f**ks me off, but I am determined to get it one day.

I'm talking about, seeing how my bike could be better if I modified it, and carrying out that modification spending as little money as possible.

Not because I am a mingebag, just because half the time there is not anything that will do the job exactly as I want it, but by bodging a few old bits of shit together it works, sometimes great.

I thought of this today when me and my mate were in my garden f**king about on bikes, and he has made himself a little seat for his pashley, for exactly the reasons above, not because he is tight fisted.

I think trials riders are more likely to try this as it has all the same problem solving buzz as actually working out a line and nailing it.

What bodges have you done?

Pictures would be cool, I'll post one of my bodges later.


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Late for what, Oh no I'm not the first, deary deary me....

Thats a stupid/quick bodge thread, I'm after permanent bodges.

Here is a bodged up maggie brake booster for v adapters.


I'ts the brace off a busted a pair o carbon pace xc forks from a skip.

Magnesium 40g the lot



Works shit hot.



Edited by Matt Vandart
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