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Koxx Forxx And Bb7 Setup

nathie wafie

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ive got koxx forxx with +20 mount, currently with magura louise 160 caliper and rockman 180mm disk rotor, ive got a bb7-203mm caliper and 203mm hope disc rotor i would rather use due to the avids power and hold, i was told i could fit the bb7 as normal...but surely il need a bigger disc rotor or smaller caliper adaptor due to the +20 forks?? is it possible??

Any suggestions appreciated


Edited by nathie wafie
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I don't really get what your saying. If you have +20 mount then you just need a 180mm IS Adapter for the BB7 if your going to run a 200mm rotor with it. The BB7 will fit as normal with a 180mm IS adapter, just it will be working on a 200mm rotor.

sorry i was explaining i was told tht fitting the bb7 with a 203 adaptor to a +20 mount will still work with a 203mm rotor?lol i havnt tried it and dnt expect it would work, just wonderd if somone had tried it :)

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nath, just minus 20 off the size of the disc and that will be the adapter you will need. (cant get a 183 adapter so will need to make your choice of 180 or 185, i have no experience in doing it with these odd sizes).

the new Koxx forks are either +20 or +30 its the old ones that were only +30.

i run the old ones (+30) using a bb7 with a 160 adapter on a mono trial 190 rotor.

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