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Thecircus' Challenge Thread Of Eternal Glory And Account Suicide


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  TheCircus said:
ZHI-sam, your challenges are;

1. Send a 500 word email/record a one minute phonecall to Microsoft explaining how your Xbox has broken but when it broke it electrocuted you and you have now gained power over electricity. In this letter/phonecall you may not use the words: Microsoft, Xbox, Electricity. Bonus points will be awarded for a response.

2. Take a self shot photo of yourself at the nearest street name sign with the first person you meet on the way there. Points awarded for hilarity of pose.

3. On your xbox forums that you own or whatever the hell you do, I don't give a shit, You must ban 3 random members and give the reason that they are enemies of Microsoft. Screenshots must be provided for posterity.

You must complete these challenges and post results within 48 hours or you will be banned for 1 month. Good luck, ZHI-sam, for those about to rock we salute you!

done :)

would have done 1 but i havnt the time atm, may do it for the fun of it when i can XD


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Task 3, writing completed, lack of response as of yet:

Have excluded the words Child, School and the.

(I had fun writing this :giggle:)

Dear Sir/Madam

I am writing to complain about an unfortunate incident as a direct result of mismanaged teaching at your establishment. I feel it is disgraceful how standards have slipped everywhere. Indeed, even so far as my own offspring. Do you know what it feels like to know that your own son has decided that it is a good idea to run naked around a town while waving a Czech flag and screaming expletives in Japanese. In case you are wondering what this has to do with that pile of dirt you call a centre of learning, I shall tell you. None of your teachers advised against this sort of behaviour. Also, whilst I am complaining, I feel it is necessary to bring up another sore subject for me, employment. Did you know that those marks you saw fit to award my son with have ensured that he will only ever be able to work as an Elton John look-a-like? What sort of job is that for a 36 year old black man? Just because of the accusations that he is not smart enough. My son? Not smart enough? That is like saying that my good friend His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI is not Catholic! And no-one would be crazy enough to suggest that. In 12 years of Elton John impersonating, my son has never once been accused of being unintelligent. He has been called a moron, a jack-ass, and several times Elton John, which I feel is a more serious insult and calls for police action, but never unintelligent. Sure, his results were not top standard but I personally feel that 8 U’s and a G should be more than enough to continue full time education. Ignore rumours saying that he set three teachers on fire and assaulted a college interviewer with a fire axe, a care bear and a car door. Those are lies, my son would never do such things and I am offended that anyone would believe them. I hope you don’t believe them or my son will set you on fire and assault you with a fire axe, a care bear and a car door. You have been warned. As further examples of your neglect I will state some more facts. During a holiday to America, my son entered a zoo. After viewing several animals he became convinced that a polar bear was talking to him and was asking for a share of his Walkers Cajun Squirrel crisps, another example of stupidity, I mean, come on. Squirrel? He proceeded to climb into previously mentioned bear’s enclosure. After it refused to accept his crisps he grew rather vexed. Unfortunately becoming vexed with a polar bear is both inadvisable and deeply unwise. He was mauled rather badly after biting it, causing quite severe damage to an endangered species, another thing which I shall be bring up in any court cases I may soon file against you. I trust this has brought this matter to your full attention and I look forward to hearing what you have to say on these matters.

Yours Sincerely

Johnson Omedarian

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  alextheferret said:


  NVWOCI WVS said:
I'll go for glory if I don't have to leave my room. It's a really slow evening...

Welcome to the doublethreat match, Sam and Alex.

1. You must use household objects to construct the best fortress possible. Any and all modifications are encouraged, the tougher the better. Man this fort and provide photographic evidence.

2. In the vein of Meat Loaf you must create the lyrics to the worlds best love song. A power ballad of truly epic proportions is at least 12 minutes long so a good 500+ words should suffice.

3. You must try and faithfully recreate the scene from Star Wars: A New Hope's DVD cover using only household objects.

The best in 48 hours wins the title, you may only post one challenge submission. Who will post first? Who will wait to see what they have to beat to win? Time it right or BAN. GO.

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