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Looking For Riders.


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  unexpected_racer said:
Hi there,

Im is there any riders round in the east anglia area. mainly in lowestoft but norwich and ipswich aswell. because at the minute there is one rider that i know of in lowestoft and that is me!!

cheers sam

Hi there

I live in great yarmouth ( between norwich and lowestoft ) there used to be alot of riders in lowestoft but alot of them now have quit or find it hard to find time

to ride. Norwich theres always a few of us riding on some sundays your best bet is to keep a eye on the ride locations area of the forum to see if

eney rides pop up.

Add me to msn to chat about setting up a few rides im always happy to come to lowestoft for a ride



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  Jamie East said:
Hi mate, I live in Bungay, currently at uni though. There's a few riders about the place. There's quite often a ride in Norwich and occasionally Lowey, best thing is to do a members search of people by county. Bound to find something.


Cheers for the reply jamie. i tryed doing a people search the other day but couldnt work where it was lol echo_8@hotmail.co.uk add me on msn and when you back could set up a ride mate.

Forgot to mention that i used to ride bout year or two ago and know a few people that ride in norwich such as biddle alix ryan ryan and adrain but i heard most of them have quite so wondered if there was any new faces about.

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  • 3 months later...
  unexpected_racer said:
Hi there,

Im is there any riders round in the east anglia area. mainly in lowestoft but norwich and ipswich aswell. because at the minute there is one rider that i know of in lowestoft and that is me!!

cheers sam

Hi mate, I live in Lowestoft and am looking to start riding,

I'm getting my bike on 11th june.

I'm trying to organise a ride in lowey in about 2 weeks, be nice to find others who ride in lowestoft.


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I'm always stalking the forum, rarely ride but hope to change that this year. Just need to get some forks sorted then I have no excuses. Put something in the rides section and I may be able to dag along a couple of mates as well if it's during university holiday time.

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I'm thinking about riding in Lowestoft on 13th June.

I would put something in the rides section but I'm not a full member yet.

I'm pretty sure that the 13th in holiday time for u, but,

As i don't go uni, I'm not sure.

You will have to let me know.

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  leeW said:
Is there anyone else who fancies riding Lowestoft.

Every body welcome.

Will be riding on the 13th june.

Just keep posting and i post time when i know how many are riding for deffinate.

Sorry, I have just realised I have posted this in the wrong topic, my appologies.


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