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Definitely, i ride a lot of xc and considered myself quite fit bike wise but i've only been riding trials properly for about a month or so and i've really noticed the different muscle groups you use.

My back hurts, my hands hurt, my ankles hurt and my arms hurt, but its all good :turned:

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depends how you ride.

If you just ride street where you do one move, rest and then another move then you will only build up a certen amount of fitness. It will build muscle strength, but not endurance.

If you do comps, you have to be fit enough to ride flat out for up to two and a half mins at a time for a full day (or more sometimes), you still get the same power gains for your muscles, but with added endurance.

I do comps and would consider myself to have a good level of fitness, I can do a comp and not be knackered at the end, I also did a road ride the other day that took me up the longest gradient hill in England, I got up it with no stops and even overtook other roadies (on my singlespeed too)

So to get good fitness....do comps!

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When i was still in school me and my best buddy used to ride trials near enough everyday and we never once really appreciated just how much it keeps you fit. First of all my mate quit then i did shortly after and we are now the biggest nackers, its ridiculous! I really miss doing something that you really enjoy and that keeps you fit without yourself really noticing, which is exactly why im gona get back on that bike again!! cheers

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Trials builds really odd muscles that you never really see 'built' before. I have a pretty odd shaped body, as I don't go to the gym or anything, but ride trials alot and have done so for years.

Having another bike (road or mountain) helps with endurance and cardio fitness stuff, so if you train with another bike it means you can go faster and harder for longer (;)) which = more enjoyment for you (and lady).

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out of all the sports i do (appart from surfing) i would say that trials is like by far the most intense and toning... but it does depend on how your ride, if you do like tgs and go the biggest at each move youll get hench e.g tunni, damon (before he went gym), biff and basicaly al the stock tgs nutter... TRA!

but then you look the comp riders and theyre like super toned but pretty weedy... but then i guess your only need to lift your self and your bike and when you ride bikes like theirs, you dont need to be strong lol

since i rode mod, i actually lost weight and im not the slightest bit fat so that just muscle lost :( lmao just cus it so light and easy. Now that im back on my heavier stock riding proper tgs/natty i ache all the time and find powermoves like big gaps, sidehops and stuff hard... yet taps are as easy as every lol

if you wana gte hench and look like damon ride tgs style, wana get skinny nd look like a road rider (or like vincent hermance) ride comp style (no breaks)

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if you wana gte hench and look like damon ride tgs style, wana get skinny nd look like a road rider (or like vincent hermance) ride comp style (no breaks)

vince always looks quite a beast to me? i know compared to damon he isnt, but not alot of trials riders are. close up vincent is a beast, as are the cousts.

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i can ride street aaaall day and feel fine at the end. take me to natural/compy riding (westbay,portland) and within literally 1min of being on the bike my arm-pump is insane and iv gotta sit out for a couple mins to let it settle.

it all depends on how you ride and what you ride

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When I ride street I ride I ride I ride.... I cant sit around like some people. This doesnt exhaust me though.

The two recent comps I have entered have been a completely different ball game.

The fitness you need is specific to competition, I think stamina is heavily involved in comps too.

In my opinion I think riding natural regularly will shape you into a better rider- fitness, balance, technique, power etc.

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on this subject , what is the average weight of people riding trials , i crossed paths with a guy in Leicester, he was easily gaping 6 or 7 foot, he was was built like a rugby player, had to ask his weight 16.5 stone!!!! is this normal , i couldn't believe how he threw his bike about

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Because You Look Like A Tard. And Will Never Get Validated Like It.

Pretty damn ironic, considering you got validated and then put back here... Although you are right about this one.

Colossus - There are some pretty big guys riding trials, although most are smaller. It's all about power to weight ratios as far as I'm concerned.

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trials does keep you fit and gets you toned, my brother goes gym 3-4 times a week, hes a little bit shorter than me and 3 years older but still he does not have any tonned muscles, whislt me i dont go gym but i do a bit of weights and kick boxing apart from that all i do is ride. and im more tonned than him and still stronger all round due to the amount of riding i do (i hate walking so i ride everywhere on my trials)

just think about what muscles you use when you do a single trick ie a sidehop so your on 2 wheels you use your arms to bring the front wheel up then your legs for the rear and doing your back when you extend your arms and your abs as well, is it not true that steve peat (world dh champion) does trials as well for a work out to work on his fitness

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  • 2 weeks later...
due to the amount of riding i do (i hate walking so i ride everywhere on my trials)

+1 I hate walking to different trials spots in my town. All my friends get off their bikes unless it's downhill (N) And im the only one wanting to ride to the spots.

I cycle nerely one and a half miles each day to get to my nearest village to see friends and ive noticed in the past few months that my thighs are more toned which is good (Y)

Ginger Allen

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