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The Offcial Portsmouth Dj Ride 2009


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Hi all!

Its come to that time of year when I need to start notifying people of the date for this years ride. Well, this year is some-what different due to the passing of so many of our fellow trials riders. I hate to bring the tone down so I will be breif and not list all those that have fallen along our ways, never to be forgotten; but I need to make this ride something else. There are many reasons for this, but I really wanna do something this year; you know what I mean?

So, lets get huge this year and make the ride a Saturday and Sunday event, with a party overnight.

I will suggest the weekend of the 16 - 17th May as a starting point, but thats always open to negotiation. I have no idea about school holidays or exam dates so feedback would be good.

Lets make this one the best so far!



We have so much media talent in our midst that we could give this ride media coverage never before seen in the UK - think of the possibilities for a moment if you will.....

All the technicalities aside for a moment - lets say we get double the riders from last year - thats 110 in Guildhall square in the picture - god knows how many more were riding the streets because we'd taken so long posing for the photo. Lol.

So, this year would be awesome if we could get 220 + riders in the picture, then get the ride featured and video'd and away we all go.

I'm not talking making money from the ride for those involved in the back office stuff, just charitable donations.

So... lets get this started - first to post a theme for the party wins a lolly pop.

( See who actually read the whole thing. Lol )

Edited by stuntsbyjon
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Relating to the school half terms and exam dates, the 16th and 17th are not set within a half term, and as I am aware, the first exam is the 5th of May, according to the exam timetable on the SQA website. If you're worried about riders being concerned about exams the following Monday, the exams are as follows:

-Business Management

-Craft and Design





-Hannah, x

Edited by Hannah Shucksmith (:
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well im off college them days, and will be monday so im good :) might be able to stay at my mates, she lives in portsmouth. will find out about this party 1st :)

t think we should do something like all wear a red sweatband won left wrist or something, in rememberance of the riders/friends we have lost

Edited by ZHI-sam
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Relating to the school half terms and exam dates, the 16th and 17th are not set within a half term, and as I am aware, the ................. blah blah blah

-Hannah, x

exams and half term etc are no excuse as it is a weekend, work can be booked off and revision can be done in advance.

I may open up my garden for saturday eve for drinking and babequeing but wont be able to house anyone for the night. Sadly the garden is wood chippings so not suitable for tents.

Edited by Mowgli
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sounds good, last year's was very pleasant! how about theme to our bikes? maybe we should all get kid's streamers on the bar ends.

don't know if i can make it this year due to exams. no idea what the timetable is ahah.

edit/p.s. its my exams for 3rd year too, so errghh 3 people


Edited by Gandalf the Yellow
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sounds good, last year's was very pleasant! how about theme to our bikes? maybe we should all get kid's streamers on the bar ends.

don't know if i can make it this year due to exams. no idea what the timetable is ahah.

edit/p.s. its my exams for 3rd year too, so errghh 3 people


what about tshirts XD

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Oh my! The fridge death was almost as comical as riding Lee McCaws Escort! LMAO.

Right, lets not get too distracted by drifting too far off the topic and making this hard work for all to read 'eh lads / ladies.

I'm off the net at home at the moment due to moving back to Dorset.. anyways, must run! Laters lads!!

Edited by stuntsbyjon
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