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Are There Any Girls On The Forum? Im New!


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Im kyrena :) Im looking into starting trials as I need a hobby to get me active. Im needing help on what bike to get and Im wondering If i can get any advice. I have seen a few boys in my area ride trials and It has intrigued me! I am interested in starting trials. Also are there any girls on the forum? I have never seen any girl trials riders before and I would like to know if there are any in the sport.

Thanks! Ky xxx

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Hi, welcome to the forum.

There are a few girls on the forum and that ride, but the sport is dominated by men, at the moment.

If you are just starting out, alot of people say 20inch bikes (commonly known as 'mods') are easy to start out on. Onza's are a good cheap option, there should be some cheap ones on ebay.

If you are relatively tall, 26inch bikes (commonly known as 'stocks') may be for you.

If you are looking to do more streety moves, then a 24inch may be for you, inspireds are nice.

Hope this helped

Sam :D

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Yes there are :P, on the tf toolbar there is a members link, use this and set the gender to search female that should help.

You need to go to a ride and ask if you can try different bikes, this should give you an idea on what suits you best.

Hope i helped and welcome to the forum


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Your profile says you're from Inverness - theres a fairly large scene up there. Mostly mod riders, and most of them are really good. They're likely to be the guys you saw. If you're looking to progress quickly you won't go far wrong by riding with them. There is a function where you can search for riders in your area from your profile, but I've forgotten how to use it. If you search for RossMcD, David20 or McInnes in the members list you should be able to get in contact with them via pm. I think there's a guy from Inverness in NMC at the minute - his username is HDMckay or HDmackay (or something like that). They should be able to help you out a fair bit. Good luck. (Y)

Edited by Rumplestiltskin
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http://www.trialsqueens.com/ - Site for female trials riders! Is a good start.

We do see a lot of girls join and quit the forum and trials quite quickly. Best bet is to buy one of the cheapest mods (mods are bikes with 20" wheels as apposed to stocks which have 26" wheels (the difference between BMX's and mountain bikes)).

Girls tend to prefer mods as they're easier to throw around, they tend to be easier to learn on.

So, buy this...


And get in touch with your local riders. :)


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welcome, more females the better. i know of 1 other girl here and thats hannah, not sure if she rides though. i know she has/had a control so

anyways as said, get a 20'' bike. you will find it easier. id say an onza tpro, 50 quid more than a tbird but well worth iot. or you could look in for sale section here for a used one :)

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Welcome to the family (Y)

Always good to get a few females on board, helps alot in the girl trouble thread!

As has been said, have a look on trials queens, see how well some of the girls can do it! Take it you'd be looking into a 20" bike?

Just have a good look around the place, carry on being nice and friendly, spelling well, and i'm sure you'll enjoy your stay - any questions and everyone'll be more than happy to help :)

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hi im Jen, i ride trials with my boyfriend ... its a well good laught! got a 20" koxx hydrox ... want some pink rims for it though! have you got a bike? x

No i dont have a bike at the moment,im looking to buy a koxx levelboss 20" Are you any good? What was it like when you first started doing trials? x

Your profile says you're from Inverness - theres a fairly large scene up there. Mostly mod riders, and most of them are really good. They're likely to be the guys you saw. If you're looking to progress quickly you won't go far wrong by riding with them. There is a function where you can search for riders in your area from your profile, but I've forgotten how to use it. If you search for RossMcD, David20 or McInnes in the members list you should be able to get in contact with them via pm. I think there's a guy from Inverness in NMC at the minute - his username is HDMckay or HDmackay (or something like that). They should be able to help you out a fair bit. Good luck. (Y)

Thanks x And yeah, im friends with ross, hes the one helping me get the bike and trying to persuade me into all of this! :giggle:

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As everyone else has said, a mod would be better to start on. If you can afford, buy one brand new from sites such as Tarty Bikes or, just be on your best behaviour, make sure you type properly (capital letters and full stops), and just wait to get validated, at which point you can post in the wanted section for someone to sell you a full mod (or request parts if you want to build your own...) and see what offers you get.


-Hannah, x

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As everyone else has said, a mod would be better to start on. If you can afford, buy one brand new from sites such as Tarty Bikes or, just be on your best behaviour, make sure you type properly (capital letters and full stops), and just wait to get validated, at which point you can post in the wanted section for someone to sell you a full mod (or request parts if you want to build your own...) and see what offers you get.


-Hannah, x

She has already been validated believe it or not! very good advice though :)

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