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Little Limelight 2 Biketrial Dvd

mister limelight

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1. sorry for my english

2. hope this one will not be banned.

3. My new DVD is done. I spent a lot of money for it and blow it out for cheap.

5.000km i´ve travelled to videotaped some of the best riders in germany / france / belgium / netherlands.

The Duration is 60 minutes.

The DVD includes 10 riders sections from:

Ali C in Buthiers

Henrik Glöde

Felix Heller

Hannes Herrmann

Sebastian Hoffmann

Marco Hösel

Max Koch

Rick Koekoek in the netherlands

Felix Mücke

Iciar van den Bergh in Belgium

a lot of nature riding. Every rider was videotaped one day/weekend. Here I´ve put some outtakes from iciar´s riding in his backgarden: http://www.vimeo.com/2285566 If you like the videos on my account on vimeo or you like one of the riders this DVD is a must !

The price is only 9,95€ (~8,85 GBP)

That´s not all: You can get a Bonus-Disc for + 2,00€

The bonus-disc contains:

-Buthiers 2008

-Max Koch part 2

-Sascha Straube

-"Friends section"

-Okertal Session

-Andreas Lehmann

-High Jump Contest

-Marko Grosenick

-Rick Koekoek in Sleen 2 (exactly this clip: http://www.vimeo.com/2237499 )


-BIU EM in Aywaille

-Andrei Burton in Aywaille (bring the uci-style in the BIU)

maybe you remember my aywaille-video, but that was only a worst of.

at least you can order Little Limelight 1 too. It´s from 2007. Here some more info:

The DVD includes riderparts from:

-Felix Mücke

-Marco Grosenick

-Felix Heller

-Rick Koekoek

-René Pferrer

-an intro and outro ~30minutes


-North german championship in stadtlohn (heller, koekoek, lange, menke...)

-Complete Lines

-Another Rick Koekoek clip

-Best of Worldcup Melsungen - all unseen clips.

get this First DVD for only 4,95€

shipping is about 3€.

tip: Get all 3 DVD´s for 15,95 GBP inclusive shipping etc. Over 3 hours really great footage.

You can pay via paypal: Misterlimelight@web.de

or via bank transfer. Just sent me an PM for further details.

Best regards,


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  The Joker said:
Surley a trailer would have made sense?


just realised youre the guy who makes AWSOME foreigner videos!

iciar van den bergh = SICKKKK! would like to know what pads he uses in the video? wet wood :sick:

and the mains germany street ride = sick'nessssssssssssssssss

hmmmm, i think you should make a trailor atleast 2 minutes long, seen asthough you have so much footage

would appeal to more riders that way...

Edited by Damon W
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sod the trailer.........if thats anything close to what the dvd's like, i'll grab a copy.

first vid was abit dismol but the second vid went together like warm apple pie and a little imagination. :)

but you, i'd love to see a proper trailer, just a little sneaky peak.

well done, well impressed.

Edited by Aaron.gloster
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no surprises, uhm?

There are two links in my post which shows you scenes from the dvd. Just look around on my-vimeo account for the mainz-session: Herrmann, Hoffmann. Koch, Straube - so you´ve seen a lot from the riders. Or take a look over here: http://tv.isg.si/site/filebrowser/misterlimelight there you can see the worst of my aywaille-footage.

Like those vids means like the dvd, I´ve heard nothing bad from every buyer. Look in the thread at otn.

Of course I will do a trailer - but it must be good and that takes time.

So actually: take it or leave it.

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Bjorn (Misterlimelight), thank you so much for making videos.

Limelight #1 is a uber great film and Limelight #2 should not disappoint. I don't think most of us realize how lucky we are to have someone like you in the trials community that does top notch filming and editing of great riders. I look forward to getting my package and the countless hours of watching amazing footage. I highly recomend buying these DVD's.

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