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Trials Bike Course Petition.

Jack Chinnery

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I sent some ideas through my local parish's letter box. With my email writen on it, And got this back

Hi Jack

Thanks very much for the letter you put through my door concerning your ideas about a trial bike facility. I must say I had my doubts as to whether any of you that I spoke with would actually respond – so well done.

I have passed on the information you provided to several of the people involved with providing and managing facilities at the Memorial Hall and I have to say a lot of the comments have been favourable. If such a facility is to become available then a lot of work will need to be done in convincing people that this is typically what may be required for teenagers in the village. This work will not only involve you and me, but others as well, and in the end we may not achieve our aim. But as they say no pain, no gain or if you don’t try you can’t possibly succeed!!

Before I take the matter too much farther I think we should have some further discussions about what may or may not be possible for a trial bike park in Upper Bucklebury. At the moment my mobility is a bit restricted since I have just been in hospital, therefore, I would propose either you and a friend, or you with a parent meet up again soon to discuss things further. Alternatively you can call me on 01635 861564 when it is convenient or if you prefer let me have your home telephone number and I can call you.

You must also make sure that your parents are aware about your ideas and potential participation in this project.

What you have done so far is great, so lets hope we can make progress. But remember, I can’t promise that your ideas will be realised.

I look forward to hearing from you again soon

Brian Mason

:D If I could get a petition going do you reon I/we'd have a chance? :)


Edited by Jack Chinnery
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  Jack Chinnery said:
:o OMDs

Whats the WOW! for?

Never say 'oh my days', over the net, or in real life, ever again.

Shit, I feel sick after typing that, where's that bucket...

Ok, ordeal over.

Well done for getting that, a petiton certainly would help. Make sure to get a lot of people to sign. Riders, rider's parents, friends of riders...

You're at the first step now, it will take a long time, stick with it.

When I read the title, I thought it meant you got a new bike, lol.

Edited by Bruce Lee
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  Bruce Lee said:
Never say 'oh my days', over the net, or in real life, ever again.

Shit, I feel sick after typing that, where's that bucket...

I never say it just I was adding to the 'tensioned atmosphere That Nick blatently wanted to add ;)

  Bruce Lee said:
Never say 'oh my days', over the net, or in real life, ever again.

Shit, I feel sick after typing that, where's that bucket...

Ok, ordeal over.

Well done for getting that, a petiton certainly would help. Make sure to get a lot of people to sign. Riders, rider's parents, friends of riders...

You're at the first step now, it will take a long time, stick with it.

When I read the title, I thought it meant you got a new bike, lol.

Theres nothing wrong with the title, You need you eyes looked at :-:P

But yeah, If I can get a petition going that would be mint

Edited by Jack Chinnery
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  Jack Chinnery said:
I never say it just I was adding to the 'tensioned atmosphere That Nick blatently wanted to add ;)

Theres nothing wrong with the title, You need you eyes looked at :-:P

But yeah, If I can get a petion going that would be mint


Change it to - Email regarding a trials park! or something.

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  Jack Chinnery said:

Some call me badger boy

some call me captain marvelous

some people know me as Jeff

others call me wimpypimpy

some call me su su su shhhhh jones

others know me as pithy peter

some call me arnold king of fire

some call me cillit bang...

Age - 19

Were you live - Nottingham

Would you ever try and come ride this park? - Doubtful, see below

Would you help build this park and when? - No, it's too far away

Any further comments - GO FOR IT!

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  Jack Chinnery said:
  Jack Chinnery said:
See when im happy theres no 'spamming

No, but there is a weird 'usage of apostrophes 'going on.

Name - Jason Dilworth

Age - 22

Where you live - Surrey

Would you ever try and come ride this park? - Quite possibly

Would you help build this park and when? - Not a chance.

Any further comments - 'Good 'Luck

Edited by //JD
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  Jack Chinnery said:
Name - Sam Doman

Age - 19

Were you live -Suffolk (Portsmouth in term time)

Would you ever try and come ride this park? - If it was worth travelling to.

Would you help build this park and when? - Not unless it was going to be something special. I have spare time in the summer.

Any further comments -not especially.

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Well...being the cynical baaaaastard that I am, Good Luck with this. I've seen about 20 of these topics from the 'I haven't got a clue' council whos reply to any sort of request/suggestion is 'Get a petition' - and then after all the hard work and commitment they have put in, it'll get about 2 minutes mention at the next council meeting where it will be rejected due to the dangers of it or the funding problem.

A trials park is limiting to the trials riders themselves, which I'm getting 'Upper Buckleberry' doesn't have a lot of. You've probably more chance with a skate park as its the only concept of riding a bike the council can get their head around - thats how it worked around here anyway, we ended up with a shitty skate park so the council could claim to be 'down with the kids' and thus result in many photos of the mayor being all hip with his new found publicity gain.

Sorry to put a downer on it ;)

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