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Take My Survey Please...


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Righto this is round one survey (10 questions) , for my graduate project.

I'm not getting the number of reply's I need to keep the teachers happy.

Almost hate to ask such basic obvious question to a cyclist. (It was intended for joe public, the none avid cyclist. Problem is its winter here and nobody is riding)

This is a very basic survey, more to provide numbers and backing for the rest of the project.

Note....Path/pavement = Sidewalk.

Click ME.................

I'll post Second development survey once I have reached a bigger total for this one.



Studying 'Industrial Design'

6months to do the project.

International student...got to show the Americans how the Brit's do work.

Project brief.

City/Urban Bicycle...Rethink, refresh, redesign.

Cheers For the look, bigger cheers if you participate


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question 10 annoys me, wheres there an option for suitability, like i wouldn't pick up a roadie and go do trials on it. thats my priority when buying bikes, spose if you want to consider that in your later analysis or whatever (Y)

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Done, more questions for a mtb rider though

Foiled....Trying to avoid the roady situation.

Pulling from the technology on them, but primarily not trying to appeal to them, they are tooo needy.

  ogre said:
question 10 annoys me, wheres there an option for suitability, like i wouldn't pick up a roadie and go do trials on it. thats my priority when buying bikes, spose if you want to consider that in your later analysis or whatever (Y)

First round....its coming. Got to gather info then cancel certain areas and develop others.

+ for joe public this survey is a head scratch for some.(no bike knowledge, people that just ride)

Example...I had to explain to one of the participants that the lane on the road with the bicycle logo is a cycling lane.

Have a few professional contacts including Frank the welder, because of this already narrowing certain criteria, on the manufacturing/sale needs side.

Market research has shown the MTB hybrid/comfort range is one of the biggest market shares and the fastest growing.

From this the demographic range I'm aim toward is away from the roady, that market segment is too specialized with to high of a demand concerning needs and constraints for what sells. (+ their typical mileage range is way outside the project specs)

Goes a lot deeper but don't want to influence the survey......too much.


Thanks for participating and the feedback!!

Edited by philth
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  Simpson said:
How many times you ride a week is a fairly subjective question, like if i stop for lunch does that count as a second ride?

The bicycle is still the most efficient way to travel from A to B, if you stop somewhere on the way you still haven't reached B, so one ride.

Get what your saying though....believe me I dislike giving, making, and editing a surveys. Deferentially not a highlight of my degree.

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  philth said:
The bicycle is still the most efficient way to travel from A to B, if you stop somewhere on the way you still haven't reached B, so one ride.

Very rarely when I get on my bike do I do it from get from A to B....

I get in my car put the bike in the back, sesh a town all day and drive home...

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