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Are rock pads really that bad? I have the blues on a dying grind and they tend to slip, but to be fair only when they get put under hard pressure.

Back on topic it is a repost but it does look like rather a bad crash.

Edited by Duncy H
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you cant blame that on rock pads.

all rock pads is is a compound

it was the backing that snapped not the material

(most magura break pads use powerpad backings)

looks to me that he was unlucky to snap a backing but even if that happend to me wouldent put me off the atual pad


Edited by Ben Lazenby
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Ahh fair enough just wondering because at the end of the video he said sh***y rock pads.

He did, he's a tool.

All pads these days tend to be in cheapy powerpad backings, which are known to snap from time to time.

If anything, it's mos likely they snapped because the rock pads are TOO good.

Still funny though, never seen anyone flip over the bars like that from a brake slipping

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Only posting as its annoying watching him blame his pads on what happened. If you look at the pad wear you'd see the pad was not set straight to the rim and so repeated force on the backing at an angle would fatigue the backing until inevitably that happened. Just down to poor setup, admittedly I’ve done the same myself.

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