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What's Wrong With Otn?


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is it me, or does observedtrials.net have a large percent of frustrated jocky kids, that feel the need to get social status by acting all macho and hostile..?

i mean, i got 2 bad reputation poits for this reply on a thread showing off a 24" marino:

"i'm going to build a very similar one in one week time.

my marino frame and fork should arrive any day now. also dual vee, also 74 ha.

can't wait!

oh, yeah, and your bike looks great, and hopefully feels great as well

ps: does the fork feel heavy? it should be 1200-1300g i understand"

i got "fag" and "24=fail" as comments for the neg reputation...

what can be going on in these peoples heads?

i don't want to generalize but it seems to happen quite a lot on that forum..

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There are some good people on there, but like any forum (including this one) there are some retards who you have to ignore.

The more you visit it the more familiar you get with people, and you learn if they're likely to be taking the piss or providing good information.

Don't worry about the negative rep, its a fairly pointless feature anyway.

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It's not much different to tf really.

Just got to ignore the white noise from certain members.

i do find quite a difference (until i got into tf, i used to write on otn quite a lot), and the people there seem to have a lot more of a cocky / smartass attitude than here.

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You just have to get use to OTN. There are some great people with good info on there. Mcdub and others are worthless and can make a person go nuts if you pay to much attention to what they say. It is just the internet, don't take things so seriously.

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