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Odd Situation


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Right! Hear me out.

I work in a gargae 4 days a week, go to college Mondays. I also work at Halfords.

Yesterday (monday) is NORMALLY my day in college, but as college isn't on for 2 weeks I will be at the garage. Only thing I finish at the garage at 5, and I'm suppose to be at halfords to start at 5. SO here we go:

Bearing in mind this is 10 in the morning. and I dont start untill 5

ME: Hi, Steve its Gibbie, just calling to let you know that I'm at Holcar untill 5 so I wont be able to get there untill about 10 past. but I WILL be there.

BOSS: NO, thats not good enough, you NEED to be here at least 5 too, and ready for shop floor at 5.

ME: I'm sorry but there is no way i can be there as I am at work.

BOSS: well, you should get out of Holcar early to be here on time.

ME: Well I can't as I have a job to finish, and we get out at 5.

BOSS: Well what you going to do then? Hand your notice in.

By this time I was really pissed off. He was being a right dick. SO:

ME: Well I might as well as your being a willy about it all.

And I hung up!......

Yes I know I shouldnt have called him a willy, but at the end of the day be was being a willy! I have told them that when college isn't on that I will be at the garage all week, and the time I am late always goes onto the end of my shift on Saturdays. (Which it shouldn't as we NEVER leave at 8 on a Monday, we might finish work at 8 but i've seen me still there at about 1/4 past...)

So what should I do? Keep working there, get lectured everytime I am late, even though I have given then notice. Or sack it off and say good by to £300 a month?

I'm going in to say sorry and all that shit, but to be honest, I don;t mean it, as most of the staff think hes a right twat!! (pardon my French)

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Is he your store manager or just a department manager. If hes just a department manager i'd go to the SM and see if you can all reach some sort of agreement.

Failing that ring HO and ask to speak to human resources? i think it might be. If they think whoever is being unreasonable they'll back you all the way.

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Is he your store manager or just a department manager. If hes just a department manager i'd go to the SM and see if you can all reach some sort of agreement.

Failing that ring HO and ask to speak to human resources? i think it might be. If they think whoever is being unreasonable they'll back you all the way.

He's the manager of the whole shop..... But at the end of the day thats part time work, the garage is work, but also in there on placement from college, to its my education too.... and hes being petty over 10 mins. which I make up on saturdays at the end of my shift

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Well, to be honest it's your problem. You have a job that finishes at 5, and another that starts at 5. I can't really work out how you got yourself into that situation, but you shouldn't have let yourself get into it.

You can't be expected to just phone up on the day and say "i'm coming in 10 mins late" surely?

Does this happen on a regular basis? If so, goto both employers and try work something out. If something can't be worked out you'll have to end one of your jobs.

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Hi mate;

Felt compelled to answer this....

As a past Store Manager, I think the manager you spoke to is on a power trip.....

There are always occassions where staff members may be late ( Mother's, Students,etc ). It is up to the manager to exercise discretion. You have informed him you will be late and the circumstances. He would have been within his rights to

a) Ask you to work the 10 mins at the end of your shift - ie Finish @ 8.10 rather than 8

B) Reduce your break by 10 mins.

The action your manager took will work against him if you take it higher. Look in your HR manual or speak to your HR manager about lateness. Most training packs and contracts have a clause for lateness,and the reporting of. Provided you have followed these rules, then you are doing no wrong.

Most managers on a power trip hate answering back. Present your argument back in a rational manner, referring to the HR manualif applicable.

Hope this helps....


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Store shuts at 8 sadly, and on a 5-8 you don't get a break, but your manager was being a dick, I turned up at 5.10 yesterday and no one said shit, they just got a bit worried cos I hadn't phoned up to tell them, but I just said I was stuck in traffic (which I was) but then again my store manager isn't a dick.

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It's not a case of him missing 10 mins though (ie he's not been working that 10 mins) it's the fact he's late and for 10 mins there's going to be 1 less staff member than there should be.

If i was late 10 mins at where i used to work, half the time they would have had to close the shop until i got there. :lol:

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Your actually allowed 15 minutes break on a 3hour shift iirc? Ask your store manager to clear it up, or if its that much of a problem ask them to deduct your pay by 10 minuites...

Your prob hear different things from different jobs......

Government Website will show the legal standing.

My understanding of it is you are allowed 15 mins every 4 hours.....

I know the rules have changed recently


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If i was late 10 mins at where i used to work, half the time they would have had to close the shop until i got there. :lol:

Yeah but at Halfords it's not such a big deal, if I hadn't been last night there only would have been 3 people for the whole store, but because I was there there were 4, 1 manager, 1 Ripspeed, 1 Parts, 1 Bikehut, and the Ripspeed/Parts guys shared front till, or the manager when he wasn't cashing up.

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Well, to be honest it's your problem. You have a job that finishes at 5, and another that starts at 5. I can't really work out how you got yourself into that situation, but you shouldn't have let yourself get into it.

You can't be expected to just phone up on the day and say "i'm coming in 10 mins late" surely?

Does this happen on a regular basis? If so, goto both employers and try work something out. If something can't be worked out you'll have to end one of your jobs.

It only ever happens when I have to be at work rather that college. we get finished at college about 4.30 which gives me time to drive down get shanged, brab a drink and then i'm still 5 mins early.

Yet on saturday I had to bike to work, no car. And I was 30mins early, I said morning to the Deputy manager and he said" What the f**k to you want?"

I know where your comin from JT, but when I get there there normally 1 bikehut staff (me) one till tart, and 2 or 3 parts people. and to be honest, there is f**k all to do.

as is there a guidline for givin in holiday forms, as my boss wants AT LEAST 6 weeks notice. Yet I once give him that I asked him the weekend before I was off if he had sorted them out, and he never..... so i could have give him 1 weeks notice!

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Your prob hear different things from different jobs......

Government Website will show the legal standing.

My understanding of it is you are allowed 15 mins every 4 hours.....

I know the rules have changed recently


Lol, if that's so, Sainsbury's are breaking the rules...

You get no break for 4 hrs, you have to work 5.

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Lol, if that's so, Sainsbury's are breaking the rules...

You get no break for 4 hrs, you have to work 5.

Yer, when it says 'a 15 min break every 4 hours' or whatever, does it mean you work for 4 hours THEN have a 15 min break? Or does it mean that if i work a 5-9 shift, i am entitled to have 15mins of that as a break?

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I turned up for my 6.30pm shift at 7.25pm today and just carried on as normal. Luckily its a crappy job that i don't care about, but if it was me i wouldn't worry about it. He was probably just annoyed you were going to be in late as it puts him short staffed. Being a dick down the phone yourself was probably not a good course of action but its happened now, you can't change it. Maybe take him to one side and apologise to him ASAP for being a bit arsey at him down the phone and hope everything is cool. Unfortunately, to him you'll just be seen as an extra goon, he has no respect for you. You can either fight for your rights and more than likely lose and end up being renowned as the argumentative guy that turns up late or you can take a hit and kiss a bit of ass for a few minutes and come out of it ultimately smelling of roses.

Its not fair, but life isn't.

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