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Post Your Snowmen/sculptures.


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i was childish enough to start my snowman at 11pm and stopped at 3am he was around 7ft but in the morning i found him in half so the next day i made him again no joke i got him upto around 8ft he was crazy big but when it cam time to kock him over he decided to fall instead so only got footage of him around 6.ft and me running into him

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We made a giant snowball, and an igloo!

Igloo isn't quite as good as Mike's, seeing as the only person that could fit in it was a little kid... :rolleyes: Was funny how serious all the blokes got when we were building it! Was basically everyone from the pub making it!





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Me, Ben Moore his lady friend and a mate made about a 6'6" one last night at about midnight, then Ben sat on its shoulders so it would have been rude not to push it over while he was on the top. Had a massive snowball fight too, then a surprisingly fun drive home. haha.

My cars front splitter makes a good snow plough. haha

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