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Crm's Are Coming Back...


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I would like to take this opportunity to clarify that the TNN pads are not associated with the

Plazmatic name. The Plazmatic name will continue to be used by Tim.

The connection between TNN and Plazmatic is through Chris Russ (the founder of the CRM compound).

Chris will contribute his ten valuable years of experience to developing new products with TNN Egineering.

I hope this has helped clear any confusion.


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As a "mortal/human/everyday rider" (as opposed to Lewis, stan etc haha) I should be testing these out soon too.

Will give you the *real* low-down on them ;)

I used the original yellow Plazmatic pads for about 4 years, they were great. I bought direct from Mr Russ and these were consistent over the years, the compound & performance did not change.

The colour did slightly but I doubt that makes a difference.

I tried the [red] PMG pads for a 10 minute driveway session, would not bite or grab, was just left with red shavings on my rim.

Looking forward to seeing Plaz make a comeback in modern trials. So many pads out there these days though, 5-6 years ago you could count them on one hand!

Edited by .mitch
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I would like to take this opportunity to clarify that the TNN pads are not associated with the

Plazmatic name. The Plazmatic name will continue to be used by Tim.

The connection between TNN and Plazmatic is through Chris Russ (the founder of the CRM compound).

Chris will contribute his ten valuable years of experience to developing new products with TNN Egineering.

I hope this has helped clear any confusion.


Looking forward to seeing Plaz make a comeback in modern trials.

To Quote a great man "They've rebadged it you fool"

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Serious question, how can you compare them? You've probably changed the frame, rim, grind and brake since then.

There are people on here that have taken the old CRMs out having worked perfectly, put the new ones in and they've just disintegrated.

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had the original ones years ago that were given to me from chris russ (then 2/3yrs later he sent me an invoice for em... wtf???!) not to mention he did the same to the top riders in the country at the time nick/dan pierce.

but thats on the side, the pads were ok til they got dusty (a common problem in oz) and they turned to shit - people who went to aykays fassifern comp will remember this well ;)

my 2c is this - we have soo many good/great pads already in the market, i doubt theres a real need for yet another, imho il stick to cousts, koxx and heatsink pads anyday!!

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I just have to say that Tim is a well respected guy in the trials industry and has done a lot to help the sport.

Of course.

Tim - I assume you have to hand:

1. A set of what I called 'proper' CRM pads with rounded corners and chamfered centre section, which feel very 'waxy' to touch, a slight greying around their sides, some small air bubbles on the outside corners where they attach to the backings, have had their top face ground away to make it flat, have extremely fast rebound and are fitted into official Magura backings:


2. A set of the 'new' CRMs with square corners and no centre chamfer, a very consistent yellow colour throughout, no air bubbles, with a more rubbery feel than the above pads, exhibit a slower rebound and from which the corners can be bitten off:


Please compare these and hopefully you can see my point. I know you are more than capable of realising the pads are different if you have both sets in front of you - I don't think of myself as a brake pad expert and haven't had years of experience making them, but the difference to me (and others who have used both pads too, it seems) is clear. This is not an attack on you, I just hope you can see the differences between them because I think it may be possible that you are getting item 2's compound when you believe you are paying for and receiving item 1's compound?

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Thats a good point and who is the middle man supplying duff pads in all of this?

Hope I am not being paranoid...........................

All Plazmatic products purchased from me were supplied Tim, some have found their way to trade customers others have been sold retail.


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Hope I am not being paranoid...........................

All Plazmatic products purchased from me were supplied Tim, some have found their way to trade customers others have been sold retail.


Just a break to supplant guess work, divining, gossip and innuendo with fact (god forbid).

1. The compound manufactured for all CRMs is the same, as it has been since '99.

2. Chris Russ is responsible for the development of the compound. A highly talented individual that I have the most respect for, and continue to have personal relationship. However, there has only ever been one actual manufacturer of the compound. No one else makes it...before, now or in the future....it is proprietary.

3. The original/first Plazmatic brake pads were made in the USA, the Citric Acid pads.

4. The founder of Plazmatic is me. '93, rim coatings.

Now back to the cauldron of speculation and misinformation that are quite often forums.

At the risk of being repetitive:

"1. The compound manufactured for all CRMs is the same, as it has been since '99.

2. Chris Russ is responsible for the development of the compound. A highly talented individual that I have the most respect for, and continue to have personal relationship. However, there has only ever been one actual manufacturer of the compound. No one else makes it...before, now or in the future....it is proprietary."

This includes special edition pads.

The compound is (and can only be because it is proprietary) made by one manufacturer in the USA..... it is a simple fact that is starting to sound like a broken record. As for your interpretation via leading question, please...that stunt only works in soap opera court room scenes.

This has been good reading for me (I should get a life). Little Timmy seems to be adamant that he has only supplied the same compound pads as he did in 1999 so from what i've seen in this thread someone is telling porkies. So its either Little Timmy or Freddy.


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Of course.

Tim - I assume you have to hand:

1. A set of what I called 'proper' CRM pads with rounded corners and chamfered centre section, which feel very 'waxy' to touch, a slight greying around their sides, some small air bubbles on the outside corners where they attach to the backings, have had their top face ground away to make it flat, have extremely fast rebound and are fitted into official Magura backings:


2. A set of the 'new' CRMs with square corners and no centre chamfer, a very consistent yellow colour throughout, no air bubbles, with a more rubbery feel than the above pads, exhibit a slower rebound and from which the corners can be bitten off:


Please compare these and hopefully you can see my point. I know you are more than capable of realising the pads are different if you have both sets in front of you - I don't think of myself as a brake pad expert and haven't had years of experience making them, but the difference to me (and others who have used both pads too, it seems) is clear. This is not an attack on you, I just hope you can see the differences between them because I think it may be possible that you are getting item 2's compound when you believe you are paying for and receiving item 1's compound?


Yes they look different. In fact, over the years if you look closely there are differences every few years. Molds wear out, so new ones are machined. We find a better adhesive, we use that. When a more consistent pour is obtained, there are less/no air bubbles. These points were valid in '02 as they are now. The pads are not made by automation and come with variances in assembly as you would find with any hand produced item.

As I said, the compound itself has been the same since '99. I will check and see if there were any pour variances, but held pretty tight what worked. If there is not a problem, we don't change it.

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Yes they look different. In fact, over the years if you look closely there are differences every few years. Molds wear out, so new ones are machined. We find a better adhesive, we use that. When a more consistent pour is obtained, there are less/no air bubbles. These points were valid in '02 as they are now. The pads are not made by automation and come with variances in assembly as you would find with any hand produced item.

As I said, the compound itself has been the same since '99. I will check and see if there were any pour variances, but held pretty tight what worked. If there is not a problem, we don't change it.

I'm curious as to how the mould would wear out? I wouldn't have thought rubber, polymer or whatever it is would wear a decent mould out. Any ideas what the moulds are/were made out of Little Timmy? I'm no expert in pad making and i'm a nosey little bugger.

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Wow, it's time to use this quote again, and it involves the same two people...

Woah woah woah Adam, slow down, you're forgetting Tim is always right!

Useless post, sure, but if so many people (including highly ranked riders such as Stan Shaw) have noticed a difference, then what's going on? I'm sure Adam would be willing to send you the pads so you can compare for yourself...

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