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Snail Cams?


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On my Dmr at the moment im running chain tugs, but the other day i snapped one of them. I was just going to order some more, but since my frame can take snail cams i was thinking i might invest in some.

Is there any advantage of using snail cams rather than chain tugs? And do they slip alot, so id have to set up my wheel a lot?


Austen x

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make sure you get ones with notches though the round cams tend to slip a little.


Definitely chain tugs, easier to tension and they don't slip.

Snail cams are just a pain in the arse, or so i found.

Were you using smooth cams?

I've found smooth cams do slip but notched ones stay where they need to be.

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Were you using smooth cams?

I've found smooth cams do slip but notched ones stay where they need to be.

I was at one point, echo smooth cams which were awful so i got some Notched Zhi ones which where a little better but still slipped frequently, they snapped somehow so i bought some notched Monty cams, they worked, but still slipped occasionally.

I just think tugs are simpler and work better, personal preference i suppose ^_^

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