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Bum sex sounds.. not that great.

Rather than the old rhyme, 'When the river flows red, take the dirt track instead', I prefer the version, 'When the river runs red, just ask for head'.

Wait 'til you've tried it then see if you still have the same opinion...

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Its not safe for work guys!

I felt some thing bump my foot I stoped and had a look under the water I did not see anything then I felt another bump I looked strat away and saw a female great white.I saw she turned and came back straight at me I dared not swim back to the island cos I new that if she wanted me for breakfast I would be dead already as she got close she slowed down and then she stuck her nose into my crotch and now I was going threw the water backwards with a shark noseing my crotch and as scared as I was by this I started to get aroused and I was thinking maybe she wants to mate with me so I slowly and carefully I moved down her beautiful body and held on to her fins and placed my dick at her slit and to my amazment she let my dick slide inside her sand paper like skin is gently squeezing my dick as I start to f*** her with absolote passion then I needed air and she must have sensest it cos she rolled over and went to the surface I got a big breath of air and then she rolled over again so

I was back under the water this is the greatest feeling I have ever felt be for. We were f**king like this for about 10 minutes but it felt more like half and hour and then we both cummed at the same time that was the best f*** I have ever had in my life. I kiss her underbelly as we swim threw the ocean then out of nowere a young male great white takes a hold of my arm with out cutting me with his razzer sharpe teeth and pulls me off her. Then he lets go of my arm and I slide down his body and hold on to his fins then I feel his clasper trying to enter my ass so I wrape my legs around his body so I am as close to him as I can get and then he hit the right spot and it went in a little at first then it took him 4 trust before all of his 12in clasper sank in all the way I could tell he was a very powerful great white and I was thinking that must have been his girl I was f**king and I robbed him of it so he was going to f*** me not that I minded though cos I have always loved shark

s. He must have also known when I needed air cos he did the same thing as the female and I was thankfull for that. My god he was a big boy I was grunting as he was trusting inside me every 3 seconds and after 8 minutes he cummed inside me with alot of force and it was spraying out into the ocean after I was full. I felt his dick slowly srink down and slide out of me. I gave him a big hug after that and then I let go of him

Having seen the recent post on problems with anal sex I thought I'd post a true one of my own, which I haven't told anyone else yet !

I was getting with this really nice girl once, and we'd been seeing each other on and off for a few weeks. Being young we were always having sex, and one day I missed and slipped into her bum. She said she quite liked it and asked me to carry on, and I thought it was a bit different and to be fair looking down at what was happening down stairs was really turning me on, so I let it roll.

Anyway next morning I got up and my cock was burning, so I ran to the loo to let a bit out. I was sat on the toilet (can't ever stand up in the morning!) and it wouldn't come out ! So I went for a quick look and found a piece of sweet corn stuffed down me japs eye !

I was really sickened and made up some silly excuse and left and haven't spoken to her since.

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Having seen the recent post on problems with anal sex I thought I'd post a true one of my own, which I haven't told anyone else yet !

I was getting with this really nice girl once, and we'd been seeing each other on and off for a few weeks. Being young we were always having sex, and one day I missed and slipped into her bum. She said she quite liked it and asked me to carry on, and I thought it was a bit different and to be fair looking down at what was happening down stairs was really turning me on, so I let it roll.

Anyway next morning I got up and my cock was burning, so I ran to the loo to let a bit out. I was sat on the toilet (can't ever stand up in the morning!) and it wouldn't come out ! So I went for a quick look and found a piece of sweet corn stuffed down me japs eye !

I was really sickened and made up some silly excuse and left and haven't spoken to her since.

i have herd that story from 25 different people.

if u had sweetcorn in ur jap's eye u would know about it!

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You experienced in the "stuff down your japs eye" category?
One night a few of us stayed at a mate's after a ride, now his sister is hot

as f**k, and i iknew she liked me and my mate,

soo we got drunk and double teamed her, was fun she rang us a few times for more

hahaha ledgend!

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