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Tbf my cousin is a glamour model... I'm thinking of showing the noodz to my oblivious grandma next time she pisses me off.

Has she got her nipple pierced?


Dude.. The Member No.1 is old style by the way lol.

was doing that when i was in NMC.


Yes.. No?

Edited by Smoby
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I would like to congratulate Spookeylukey3, our resident 13 year old pervert for being the only one to ask for pictures!

I have found your home phone number thanks to 192.com and will shortly be ringing your mother.

Pictures do exist, I just didn't think it would be a good idea to link to a portfolio full of naked girls from here...

Are you stupid? You've basically proved to the internet that you have CP on your computer.


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What makes you think it's that one out of all the scantily clad girls on there?

You said shes a glamour model, theres only 6 of them on there.

3 with there boobies out

one with a nipple piercing, don't ask me why, but i ruled her out

then a 33.33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333...% chance that its her.

why, am i right?

Edited by Smoby
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When I was about 12 me and two friends were at the stage when your ADDICTED to fire! So we decided to walk half way across our town and start lighting small fires in this field. Needless to say, we got bored and started to light bigger and bigger fires!! but we thought it was all cool cos we had a massive wooden box to chuck on top to put it all out. But as we found out wood doesn't work that well at putting fires out as we'd hoped. In a matter of seconds half the field was in flames! We f**king made a run for it! when we reached the other side of town we could see the flames!! smoke was pouring out onto the town!! Then about 5 fire engines flew past. Turned out it had set the adjacent field alight too and most of some guys garden. To this day the fields known as firemans field and we were never caught!

lol this threads quality ha

does everyone go through the stage of being addicted to fire lol ?

cus i know i was for about a year, probably more than that to be honest

Edited by Dan-Walker
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  • 3 weeks later...

When I said something along the lines of "Is the news about Jade Goody filed under entertainment on the BBC because that's her area of work or because that's what it is?" I got attacked from all members of the pro-completelyuselesshumanbeings brigade. I hope they will come again and justice will be served.

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Is that cap in your display picture rick?

Yep, found it among some picks of your bollocks on my cam it was that or your bollocks and to be honest im getting bored of seeing you balls.

Bought jade goodys calender today but unfortunately it only goes up to march.

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What does Jade Goody and my joke have in common?

They're both going to get buried soon and I couldn't give a shit.

Now that Jade Goody has written out her will, is there any chance she could leave her cancer to Amy Winehouse?

Jade Goody is dying of cancer and Michael Jackson has MRSA.

It's only February, and it's already turning out to be a bloody good year!

This site will cause your ribs to collapse!

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