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I'm 16 and im still a Virgin?


When I was in year 7 and 8 I used to steal from school.

Stupid things like a box of chalks, and a packet of books.

Somewhere to this day I have a stash of about 6 packets of books left of about 20. It was a bit hard when I used to steal a packet in the second to last class but somehow i never got caught in the last class.

No I wont sell you them! I cant remember where they are.

Stealing shit was good fun sort of. Im over that shit now thought

I ended up getting caught twice and funnily enough tthe worst thing they did do me was to putme in isolation.


I accidentally a fleshlight from some website.

Its good.

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When I was about 12 me and two friends were at the stage when your ADDICTED to fire! So we decided to walk half way across our town and start lighting small fires in this field. Needless to say, we got bored and started to light bigger and bigger fires!! but we thought it was all cool cos we had a massive wooden box to chuck on top to put it all out. But as we found out wood doesn't work that well at putting fires out as we'd hoped. In a matter of seconds half the field was in flames! We f**king made a run for it! when we reached the other side of town we could see the flames!! smoke was pouring out onto the town!! Then about 5 fire engines flew past. Turned out it had set the adjacent field alight too and most of some guys garden. To this day the fields known as firemans field and we were never caught!

omfg me and a mate did exactly the same thing, but we kept putting a box over the flames and the lack of oxygen wud make it stop... but then a hole melted in the top of the box and we couldnt stop, and exact same we ran like fooooooooooooook and saw loadsa fire engines go past, and this feild is like huuuuuuuuge like absolutely massive! and the whole town looked like it was covered in fog haha

my mate started crying aswel but i couldnt stop laughing haha

no gardens were that close or buildings so nobody would have got hurt lol

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omfg me and a mate did exactly the same thing, but we kept putting a box over the flames and the lack of oxygen wud make it stop... but then a hole melted in the top of the box and we couldnt stop, and exact same we ran like fooooooooooooook and saw loadsa fire engines go past, and this feild is like huuuuuuuuge like absolutely massive! and the whole town looked like it was covered in fog haha

my mate started crying aswel but i couldnt stop laughing haha

no gardens were that close or buildings so nobody would have got hurt lol

thats off skate perception im sure....

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I would like to congratulate Spookeylukey3, our resident 13 year old pervert for being the only one to ask for pictures!

I have found your home phone number thanks to 192.com and will shortly be ringing your mother.

Pictures do exist, I just didn't think it would be a good idea to link to a portfolio full of naked girls from here...

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