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Tf Confessions


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Got drunk last weekend, which is like sooo against my morals

so to punish myself I got a stupid tat on my scrawny body

saying some stupid internet emo, slogan, just looked at myself

in the mirror and feel like a total twat...

I think joe should come back to the uk because i miss his sexy bum :)

i would tap that as many do say

about 18 months ago my mum really screwed me up, i sat her down and made her promise to tell her the truth, then said I'd stick by her no matter what the answer was and ask her something really important and told her i trusted her. She lied right into my face without even flinching.

Ever since then I have had no self confidence at all, especially around women. And I now find it impossible to trust women. I felt I couldn't talk to anyone because I'm the eldest child and I felt I had to be strong.

It's not what she did, it's the way she lied to me. It was so flawless all my suspisions were gone, then i found she'd lied and I've never been able to trust her properly since. For the first few months I couldn't even speak to her or look her in the eye.

I knew this girl at the time and she was the only person I spoke to about everything, she gave me loads of advice and stayed up talking to me on msn until 4/5 am several times when I was struggling, then she f**ked me over aswell and stopped talking to me, and ignored me for a good 6 months.

The next time i spoke to her, she couldn't even remember what college I went to. She put this front on that she really cared about me then forgot everything i ever told her, that was 18 months ago and I still remember every little thing she told me.

I'm at the age i could be at uni now and everyone keeps bugging me about not having had a girlfriend, but i've got such low self asteem i don't know where to start, and I don't want to let myself get too attached in case she leaves me aswell, i'm scared of it messing me up even more.

I havn't opened up to anyone since the girl who blanked me out, and everyone thinks i'm fine but i'm not, every day is a struggle because it's all built up and built up.

It's been so hard, for about 6 months I had this thing where I knew if things got really bad I had someone to talk to and I could rely on her never to tell anyone, then she suddenly stopped talking to me about a year ago and I havn't really been able to cope since, I've just existed one day to the next.

So yeh, any advice would be cool! Not really a confession but it's the first time in over year any of this stuff has left my head. I suppose i just need to man-up but I've been trying for 18 months and it hasn't worked.

If anyone works out who I am, keep it to yourself.

During the summer i would go out after work on a thursday

and get absolutley wasted. I'd walk home from the club

and get to bed at about 4am. Then i'd wake up at 8am having

pissed the bed and drive to work smashed out of my head. I nearly

had serious crashes on more than one ocasion.

I once slapped my balls around my mates face and lips when he passed out on night.

i am a chronic masterbater, some times up to 6 times a day, even when im at work in halfords.

i made a snow vagina, and went for it, but i think i've damaged my cock :( i'm to scared to go to the doctors or anything think it'll be ok on its own?

when i was in grade 2 i was on the bus home

and this girl was sitting beside me who i guess

had a crush on me. Anyways so she said, pull down

your pants or else ill tell on you. Being a kid i did

and she showed me her vage too and she touched me and i

touched her. We were at the back of the bus so no one ever saw anything.

. No one ever found this out and me or her have

never said anything... I really hope this is anonymouse...

I'm currently finding it almost impossible to find any motivation to do anything in life....i feel so down at times i just dont wanna go on anymore, i feel like i want to put an end to it all

Ok.So i got this really good friend, been very close for many

years,since school infact. Last year (when he lived at home

with his mum)i spent a hell of alot of time round there during

the summer. One night his mum started flirting with me while

he was in the shower. I didnt know what to think, this was one

of my best mates mum! This went on for weeks i kinda gave it

back in a banter-ish way didnt think much to it. then one

night when we were out with a group of our mates she started

txting me, this wasnt a shock as we had each others numbers as

shes my mates mum etc. but she started txting me ,like really

horny messages saying she was home alone with my friend staying

round another of our mates, she invited me to hers for a drink.


anyway so i thought there was no harm in it really,wasnt doing

anything that bad, just a drink etc. when i got there,she had

candles lit, and was wearing this little dress, and i instantly

got aroused. to cut a long story short. we had sex in the living room,

kitchen,on the stairs, in the bathroom, then finally her bed.

She swore she would never tell anyone i did the same. ive never told anyone,

been wanting to get it out of my system for ages.

I know he dosent know as we are still great mates.

His mum and i still talk when ever i see her, but damn that was a

f**king good night.

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Er, not sure that's right either...

The way I saw it, it was meant to be a joke because he'd already posted it un-anonymously?

Well yeessss, but my point is he didn't want some one to put it in a quote box, he wanted some one to submit it to anonymouse.

The funny lies in the fact it's no longer anonymous, because he's just asked someone to send it in for him.

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Well yeessss, but my point is he didn't want some one to put it in a quote box, he wanted some one to submit it to anonymouse.

The funny lies in the fact it's no longer anonymous, because he's just asked someone to send it in for him.

Glad we got that sorted.

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one of my good friends' life got cut short a while back.

i didnt react in any way. does this make me a fanny?

he was the sort of friend that you saw maybe once a week, knew where they lived, had their msn and phone number etc...

i knew i should feel sad, but i didnt. i didnt feel angry, or get sad, or anything. just a bit numb.

i should probably mention he got run over hit and run style.

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Matt Tolley...I love you.

Tom B


Everyone thinks I've quit smoking...Guess what? I haven't.

I may once have pissed in the holy water at church for a bet when me and a friend were seriving the alter. And then three days later i may have served at a baptism...

I got a woman pregnant about 17 years ago, all I heard

from the mother since is she moved to Penge and the

son is called Glen.... I've heard nothing since thou...

thanks to the joker, i spent 3 hours reading every confession on skate perception! :S

I'm worried that trials is taking over my life,

sometimes its all i can focus on

I hate life, i hate myself.

I have never had girlfriend, not even close.

I'm quite smart, but i have given up on working at school.

I swear i have anger problems but no-one would take it seriously as im not one of those big chavs that says they do.

I have friends, but i don't like any of them properly really, and im starting to lose the ones i liked anyway.

So yeah, pretty close to giving up but you know, will live.

I confess that i miss callum in full members :(

Callum, f**k off.

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