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Should The Uk Bring Back The Death Sentence?


Rising knife and gun crime makes me wonder...  

120 members have voted

  1. 1. ... would there be less if the penalty for commiting the crime was death?

    • Yes, bring it back.
    • No, just prison them.

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The evidence is the only thing that makes me wonder, wrongly convicted is terrible if you're to be executed!

I don't think any sovereign government should have the right to kill someone. Surely rotting away in jail for years would be worse, right?

What, 8 years and then only 4 if they behave well? We're paying to keep these knife-wielding scumbags alive in prison too, money that I'd rather see gone to the victims family for a memorial or something.

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I don't think any sovereign government should have the right to kill someone. Surely rotting away in jail for years would be worse, right?

I agree that rotting is prison for the rest of your life would be worse, i think there should be like, 1 person hung publically, say for a rape or child molesting etc

That would scare people. but i do beleive the laws are too relaxed, people should be put in prison for longer and that should be public, that would alsoo scare people.

Sam :D

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I personally think that no one has the right to kill.

But then again for the worst cases sentence to life should be what it means.

I agree, no one has the right to kill, but if you think about it, a REAL life inprisonment is as good as killing, it's taking their life away forever.

Sam :D

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The evidence is the only thing that makes me wonder, wrongly convicted is terrible if you're to be executed!

What, 8 years and then only 4 if they behave well? We're paying to keep these knife-wielding scumbags alive in prison too, money that I'd rather see gone to the victims family for a memorial or something.

Just imagine the compensation claim for wrongful execution!

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It IS shit how there's life imprisonment and being in prison for life.

One of them is like, 20 years or something.

The other is ACTUALLY til they die.

Kill killers, why not. After all, you should be able to take the same as you give.

I think it shouldn't be a lightly given punishment. Killing someone because they accidentally killed someone isn't right, for example.

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Sticking to sentences, so that if you're given 10 years, you serve 10 years. I would like that. I would also like the 3 strike rule, where on your third conviction, you automatically get the maximum term allowed for that crime.

I do not agree with bringing back execution.

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Surely rotting away in jail for years would be worse, right?

yes but noone stays in prison long enough to rot away, you get more for bank robbery than you do for rape or murder nowadays and thats still 25 years tops

and just FYI the death penaulty still exists for high treason

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No a death sentence would be too easy.

You've got to think that a murder victim will be gone, if the death penalty was in place, the murderer will be gone, and then the relations to the murder victim are the ones who have to live with it.

Imprisoning the murderer until they die would be the nearest form of justice in my opinion.

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I personally say yes, bring it back and kill those that kill.

Maybe a bit harsh but this country is going down the pan because it's too relaxed about violent crime.

I don't think any one has the right to kill somebody else. Would you honestly be able to push the button if it came down to it, if not you should not be in favor in my opinion. No court case can ever be 100%. I can see the argument that a lot of these people have done terrible things but are they in mentally good health to do them?

Though I must say it would be a very strong deterrent and could save lives of innocent people which I had not thought of before this tread.

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You're very quick to leap to a yes Mike, but why?

remember, 'an eye for a eye will make the whole world blind'.

I don't think any one has the right to kill somebody else. Would you honestly be able to push the button if it came down to it, if not you should not be in favor in my opinion.

If, for example, a gang of 4 people attacked a man and one of them stabbed him twice in the chest and he died, then yes I'd be happy to push the button.

There is more to it than that of course, but that's the basics of why I think it should be back again.

I'm not saying that straight away they should be killed, there's obviously exceptional circumstances, but it's the cold blooded random attacks that should be punished this way.

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I heard about these two chavs that broke into a retired couples flat to see what they could steal, and the old guy tried to stand up to them so they knocked him to the floor and kicked the shit out of him, he had broken ribs, fractured skull, bruised internal organs and his face was black and blue. He didn't die but if you ask me they should have been put down, I don't want to live in a country with scum like that.

It only has to happen once aswell, if these two got sentenced to death and a huge thing was made about it, then anyone else contemplating beating up an old bloke for a few hundred quid may well think twice.

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What gives the government a right to kill you, but for you not to kill someone else?

The government won't just kill you. You have to have done something terrible.

This isn't an elite gang going around killing criminals, this is the scum of the country being wiped away.

So you're saying that if your brother or mother / whoever was stabbed to death by a gang, you'd be happy that they got 10 years and released in 8?

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