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Does Anyone Have Any Interesting Family Members?


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My great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great grandfather was Adam.

My great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great grandmother was Eve.

Maybe a few more greats, who knows.

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my dad has one of the nicest/best fire engines in the world

he also has the land rover fire engine which was used in a special episode of 'some mothers do ave 'em' where frank learns to fly.

my brother in law was on tv the other week in total emergency on itv.

i dont know much about family oO.

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my mum was a punk back in the day in London, met the likes of the sex pistols and the clash and the lead singer of the undertones.

my uncles an architect and designed and managed high streets such as kings mead, queens mead, princes mead, ect in farnborough, hants. and is a millionaire.

my dad made the shoe design that the teletubbies have, because they kept on slipping over on set, and loads of shoe companies nicked the design because he didn't patent it. he now works along side piers Corbin a leader in weather forecasting. and his godmother owned an airport somewhere

my auntie is a costume designer and designed and came up with the name of the teletubbies. she helped make the original lion costume in the old narnia films/programs, and worked/works for Jim Henson who created the muppets.

my great uncle created and was the manager of initial city link parcel delivery company.

my grandad was head of nuclear rocket designing or something like that. and was head of road safety in britain at one point. and his ancestors lived in lioness an island of the coast of lands end in cornwall.

my gran is swiss and a decendant of huganots that invented glass and things like that.

theres loads more that i don't know and want to find out though :giggle:



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My Grandfather flew bomber planes in WW2, bombing the shit out of Paris.

My other grandfather designed Battleships for the navy in WW2.

My Dad is a Architect, he owns the company, employing around 200 people and is currently invovled in the design of the 2012 olympic stadium. www.hed-uk.co.uk

His brother is a Partner at one of the world's best design firms, Pentagram. His other brother owns a construction company.....so theres a lot of pressure for me to match them!

Also my mum's brother owned Telsis- a computer programming company with over 200 warehouses worldwide, he sold his company for multimillions at 40 years old.. now hes living the life somewhere in monaco for tax reasons.

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