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Gap To Front


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Last time when I put on front v-brakes I snapped my fork learning to gap to the front. I'm fed up with the disk brakes I'm running, so I am thinking of putting on Vees again. But I don't want to snap my fork again, so could you give some advice on how to gap to the front without putting too much stress on my fork?

I just thought to myself about it, and actually I think I understand when the fork gets the biggest stress and when not. So, I think maybe I just need to practise and you won't be giving me some real advice, but I'll appreciate everything you write :) maybe there are some little things to know which I haven't thought of...

Edited by Reinis.
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your forks broke because the brakes were pushing onto the rim and with enough presure it will twist the forks outwards and with the preasure on the forks from your weight pushing them forward from the gap they will snap quite easily

so i would go ahead and get your self a booster it will stop the forks trying to twist out and thus save your forks



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I have KOT forks right now, I don't know if they are good enough to resist a front v-brake.

But I don't mind the looks if I don't have to buy a new fork every time I put on v-brakes.

Isn't the case with magura the same?

Edited by Reinis.
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