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Sickest Vid Youl Ever See?

Damon W

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forget that bmx vid i posted up before, this takes the piss, like sumthing of a game!

warning: will make you feal absolutly rubbish about your own riding :ermm:

personal favorite 3:47 bunyhop gap to nosebonk to drop! :blink:


Edited by Damon W
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did i see that..."thing" that cesar and (i think) comas were riding on in one vid? 3.47?

another awsome video http://vimeo.com/1549101 he goes sooo big!

f**k me that was mental..although..the bit at the end made me think i'v seen it before...but f**k..f**k f**k f**k

Edited by Bionic Balls
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forget that bmx vid i posted up before, this takes the piss, like sumthing of a game!

warning: will make you feal absolutly rubbish about your own riding :ermm:

personal favorite 3:47 bunyhop gap to nosebonk to drop! :blink:


Holy crap!! Masssiivvvveee!!! Not sure how you jump that far going that fast while doing 360's and barspins and stuff like that in the air! Mindblowing riding!

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Compare the level of riding in that vid to the best trials productions, there's a big gap between them.

It's strange how trials is either not amazing enough, or just it's boundaries just haven't been pushed as far as those of bmx.

And another thing is the quality the video is made with, you just don't get such good shots or editing in trials. Why is this?

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IMMMMMENSE!!! Some of those lines were unwritten until then....landing manual after almost anything and the combo grinds, geeze...


Those guys in the second vid, just seem crazy and don't care if they pretty much lose their faces...i think most trials riders would though :mellow:

Still BMX is a wider spread sport so yea there's more great vids about plus more innovation, trials just needs more riders...

Steve x

Edited by STEVE-0
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Both vids were extremely sick in terms of hugeness, technical links and tricks. If trials bikes could go as fast as bmx bikes, it would be interesting to see how far you could gap, or how high you could launch up a kicker.

Edited by Rusevelt
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