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A Trials Joke.


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We were just on MSN, talking a bit of shit.

A joke surfaced, amid a conversation.

I personally think it's hilarious.

A trials rider walks his bike - rather gingerly - into a mechanic's shop, and says to him:

"My back wheel keeps calling me a c*nt."

The mechanic has a good look at it, and then remarks:

"Ahhh yes - I've seen this before... You have a harsh grind."

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It was decently funny, wel thought of though :)

I'll have a try in the same category :P:

A trialsbike rider gets to a mechanic with the following problem:

trialsrider: "Could you please help me, I have this problem with my bike and just can't figure it out"

mechanic: "sure dude, what is it?"

trialsrider: "My bike just doesn´t want do any moves I want, it doesn't matter how hard I try, it will only do taps, gaps and sidehops :("

Mechanic: "hmm this seems to be a spreading disease nowadays, your bike suffers from a bad case of TGS syndrome!"

Since there is no cure, the rider died by attempting a large drop gap as a result of the growing TGS in his bike.

edit: spellingz

Edited by omgnoseat
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