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Snail Cam Problem.


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Hi all, got my snail cams on my bike (Ko Km1) and it seems when i push down on the pedal hard (like trying to ride quicker or doing a dap or something) the wheel moves and touchs the pad, the wheel is tight as can be and the snail cams are on the bolts right. Also i've seen that when the wheel is done up there is loads of room on one side and on the other the pad is nearly touching, the sleaves are all the way out so cant go out anymore.

When i try and line the wheel up its fine untill i get the bolts nearly all the way up when its like the wheel straightens up itself but pulls it to one side, i've tried stopping this but no luck :(.

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sometimes if you tighten 1 side first it tends to pull to that or the other (can't remember which way it goes on mine) i know normally i'd tighten both sides at the same rate but this happens to me too.

so try undoing it, try tightening non driveside first, then the wheel is already fixed into position and shouldn't move much more then you tighten the drive side. or vice-versa.


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