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When you sit on it.. or when you step on it... ?

Possibly when you see nice girls chewing it and you just think, 'Aw, she would've looked hot, but she looks like a retard and a twat because she's chewing gum.' and when you see a chav girl chewing it and you thing, 'Lol, didn't think chavs could look any more like dicks, but there you go...'

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What is TGS?

-People who are vegetarians on moral grounds and yet are quite happy to eat eggs that aren't free range. Ultimately, the chickens have suffered far longer by being kept alive to produce eggs rather than the relatively short time chickens who are raised for their meat.

-Moral vegetarians who are quite happy to eat tuna. I mean, have they seen the size of a tuna? How can that not be classed as an animal.

-Moral vegetarians who wear leather shoes. "oh yes I can't eat an animal as this is considered cruel but I'm quite happy to skin one and wear it on my feet"

-In fact, moral vegetarians full stop. I have ALOT more respect for vegans. If your going to do something, might as well do it properly.

-At work, members of staff who smoke and so are entitled to 10 minute breaks every hour while the rest of us who don't want to slowly kill ourselves take up the slack.

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What is TGS?

-People who are vegetarians on moral grounds and yet are quite happy to eat eggs that aren't free range. Ultimately, the chickens have suffered far longer by being kept alive to produce eggs rather than the relatively short time chickens who are raised for their meat.

-Moral vegetarians who are quite happy to eat tuna. I mean, have they seen the size of a tuna? How can that not be classed as an animal.

-Moral vegetarians who wear leather shoes. "oh yes I can't eat an animal as this is considered cruel but I'm quite happy to skin one and wear it on my feet"

-In fact, moral vegetarians full stop. I have ALOT more respect for vegans. If your going to do something, might as well do it properly.

-At work, members of staff who smoke and so are entitled to 10 minute breaks every hour while the rest of us who don't want to slowly kill ourselves take up the slack.

Its a riding style, TGS Taps Gaps Sidehops. Boring as horse shit.

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When you say, "Put the change in the charity box" when your in a **** shop and they put it on the till so they can keep it for themselves!!

**** scum!

I deliberately put the change, when offered to keep it, in the pot, because I feel our company needs nomore money than they are already raking in one way or another.

I dislike the way people switch situations around, such as if you have food, drink, ciggies etc and people ask for some you say yes then when asking in return its like no they are mine.

When people do unnecessary things just to piss others off.

People who start fights or give abuse just because they can.

Sleeping without music playing.

Eating without drinking too.

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Adverts about healthcare products - particularly toothpaste.

'Ask your dentist about acid corrosion' - Hmmmm, maybe I would if it didn't cost me £20 a pop.

Also activia and bio-drinks to 'improve' our immune system. I once heard something that said 'If you lick the dirty floor twice a day you'll be a lot healthier' - Kind of makes sense when you think of all the clean freaks, the slightest bit of dirt makes them seriously ill!

Hell, I may be wrong, but people have survived years and years without anti-everythingintheworld sprays and immune booster yogurts - Load of shit.

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Also activia and bio-drinks to 'improve' our immune system. I once heard something that said 'If you lick the dirty floor twice a day you'll be a lot healthier' - Kind of makes sense when you think of all the clean freaks, the slightest bit of dirt makes them seriously ill!

Hell, I may be wrong, but people have survived years and years without anti-everythingintheworld sprays and immune booster yogurts - Load of shit.

Amen to that!

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** when people on msn start a convo with you and like go "wuu2?" of "h u?" then when youve replyed expect YOU to start making the conversation! :closedeyes:


**when you havnt seen some1 in years and they go "sooo, whatv you bin doin then?" astho u can summarize it into a small bitesize sentence (always annoyd me that.lol)

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :turned:

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