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Too Old For Trials - True Story


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I met Joe Maher for a ride yesterday, I hadn't been on my bike in a long time and was never any good anyway. But we were riding in a park when some kids came over to watch. Joe was doing his thing, side hopping onto benches and tables etc and I was struggling around trying to side hop from one bit of grass to the next.

So the kids are obviously impressed with Joe and they are asking all the usual questions - are you in the x-games, whats your name, how do you do that etc. Then Joe is lining up for one more go at a big gap, one of the kids turns around, looks at me doing my geriatric side hop on the grass and asks - 'Are you his dad ?'.


Edited by duane
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That made me smile. :) But i think no one is too old for trials as long as they feel that their body can take it. And because some kid thought of you as somebodys' dad doesn't mean you are too old to do it. :P


Edited by MiuSliS
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But your only 3yrs old.

Well I'm 36 this year does that mean I have to stop now?

I was in a skatepark riding a BMX a couple of years ago and this kid (about 14) turned to me and said he was going to see a new band in Alexander palace....

Black Sabath, so I was chuckling and going Black Sabath new band, and he says to me "Oh you probably wouldn't have heard of them cos your too old. :lol:

Your only too old when your bones don't heal anymore and considering the amount of titanium I have surgically implanted in mine that won't be for a while.

Although I was quite out of breath today after 6hrs riding with my kids.


Edited by Themechanicalbear
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