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Drive Skipping With New Chain.


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Hi all!

I just replaced my chain couse my old one snapped the other day. I found that the new one (trialtech/kmc 3/32) skips. After examining my mech hanger and tensioner I noticed that it was pretty bent, so I have fitted a new hanger and straightened the tensioner.

My chain line now looks fine and if I spin the cranks backwards it seems fine - it still skips when riding though. It seems to be skipping at the back end not the front chainring.

My best guess is that the rear sprocket (gusset single speed 13t) has warn and needs replacing (it's about a year old). The bloke in my LBS rekons that it is unlikley due to the rear sprocket though.

What do you guys think - I'll most likley order a new sprocket anyway to try?



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Chains, chainrings and sprockets/cassettes all bed into each other, so if you have any of those that are significantly old, and you replace one of them, it can cause your chain to skip. Mine did it on my jump bike, turned out I needed a new chainring and cassette.

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Chains, chainrings and sprockets/cassettes all bed into each other, so if you have any of those that are significantly old, and you replace one of them, it can cause your chain to skip. Mine did it on my jump bike, turned out I needed a new chainring and cassette.

More people need to learn this!

It does cost more to replace them all, but they will last longer! At the moment your chain is bedding itself into your worn out sprockets, so as soons as it's comfy, it'll end up just as weak as the old one was!

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