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Hey all,

im so fed up of hearing about t-uk that i thought i would start this topic.

I have never and will never order from t-uk.

Tartybikes have never ever messed up any orders that i have placed, and believe me there have been a lot.

The service is second to none and every order ive ever placed has been in stock.

Why anyone would use any other company is beyond comprehension.

I thought we could have a positive thread for once, rather than bashing someone.

Well done Adam and the team and keep it up.

Andy B

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The topics about T-Uk are so Dan reads them and gets there orders sorted out, not so people stop buying from him (Although i'd imagine they don't do much for business) People need to make there own mind up about T-Uk.

Having 4 topics about how bad T-uk is and then 1 about how GOOD Tarty is isn't really fair. (Although i agree, tarty are pretty top notch with service :) )

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Im not bumming tarty as you so finely put it, i just thought i would voice my opinion as i thought this was what the forum was for.

As for posting up whats wrong with t-uk so dan will get the orders sorted is total crap, if you want an issue sorted like that you contact the company directly (not through a public forum as its hardly likely to make them want to help you ). If they do not respond to you, you then take the matter to trading standards as that is why it exists.

I didnt say that there werent other good online trials retailiers, i was just posting some positive feedback for once.

Anyone on this forum is free to write their own opinions and by all means some people have dealt with t-uk and had no issues, although this seems to be the minority. I understand that a monopoly is never good, but that will never be a situation that will happen in the trials world.

If you have a problem with me posting my opinion maybe you try voicing your own in a constructive way rather than shooting people down all the time.

Andy B

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Im not bumming tarty as you so finely put it, i just thought i would voice my opinion as i thought this was what the forum was for.

As for posting up whats wrong with t-uk so dan will get the orders sorted is total crap, if you want an issue sorted like that you contact the company directly (not through a public forum as its hardly likely to make them want to help you ). If they do not respond to you, you then take the matter to trading standards as that is why it exists.

I didnt say that there werent other good online trials retailiers, i was just posting some positive feedback for once.

Anyone on this forum is free to write their own opinions and by all means some people have dealt with t-uk and had no issues, although this seems to be the minority. I understand that a monopoly is never good, but that will never be a situation that will happen in the trials world.

If you have a problem with me posting my opinion maybe you try voicing your own in a constructive way rather than shooting people down all the time.

Andy B

all im saying is i see no need for a topic on this....

whatever; of course you're entitled to your own opinion; we all are..and i dont "shoot people down all the time"

surely what i was doing was voicing my own opinion in my reply?

No offenec meant dude....

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All is well and good with bigging up a company, I too have never had an issue with Tarty and until now had never even heard of T-uk. So I am asuming that it is quite a new company and therefore will need a bit of time to build a good reputation and obviously messed up orders wont help this. Neither will topics like this however, which is going to drive people to use tarty over T-uk. Surely people should be allowed to chance it with a new company without looking at something like this and thinking 'sack that, they'll screw it up'

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All is well and good with bigging up a company, I too have never had an issue with Tarty and until now had never even heard of T-uk. So I am asuming that it is quite a new company and therefore will need a bit of time to build a good reputation and obviously messed up orders wont help this. Neither will topics like this however, which is going to drive people to use tarty over T-uk. Surely people should be allowed to chance it with a new company without looking at something like this and thinking 'sack that, they'll screw it up'

This is not what i started the topic for, i simply wanted to show what my experience with buying was. People wont buy from tartybikes just because i say they are good. They will buy from tarty because of the service you receive from them. Admittedly t-uk do stock some different parts and if you desperately want something they stock then it seems you must be willling to wait for this.

I have been on this forum quite a while now, and over the years it has gone from light hearted banter, to somewhere that anyone with a different opinion is so very obviously not entitled to say what they want.

Andy B

all im saying is i see no need for a topic on this....

whatever; of course you're entitled to your own opinion; we all are..and i dont "shoot people down all the time"

surely what i was doing was voicing my own opinion in my reply?

No offenec meant dude....

I was not implying that you were shooting anyone down, its just an observation from a lot of topics that are posted on the forum.

I admit there are sometimes some questions asked on here that may seem unneccesary to some people but there is no reason to jump on the people that ask them. If they have posted it then it is obviously a legitimate request.

Andy B

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When it's already going I can put in a good word for tarty. They did actually "mess up" one time for me. First DHL switched it with an other package so it got delayed. And I had 2 addresses registered at tarty and they also switched it. But they tracked it for me and sorted it out and I got well compensated for it. They know how to keep their customers. Fast response and good contact on mail is worth much too.

From what I've read about t-uk I will not go there to save just a few £.

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Im not bumming tarty as you so finely put it, i just thought i would voice my opinion as i thought this was what the forum was for.

As for posting up whats wrong with t-uk so dan will get the orders sorted is total crap, if you want an issue sorted like that you contact the company directly (not through a public forum as its hardly likely to make them want to help you ). If they do not respond to you, you then take the matter to trading standards as that is why it exists.

Andy B

How is it ?!When a Topic about Dan is made, 9 times out of 10 Dan sorts it in some fashion. Most of the topics are popping up becasue they can't contact Dan any other way. People are giving Dan a chance (whether or not he deserves it is another matter...) to sort out the problem before going through the hassle of contacting trading standards, I for one would prefer to have a problem sorted out on Tf then through Them and i would imagine Dan would also.

I'm by no means Sticking up for Dan becaus ei totally disagree with the way he does (Or doesn't do it would seem...) Business nor am i having a dig at the way Tarty do, i just think theres enough stuff on Tf for people to make up there own minds as to which company they'd like to shop with without starting topics like this, you prefer to use Tarty, fine, doesn't mean everybody else HAS to buy from them.

They are doing a sound Job and that has been recognised by %90 or member/riders, if you want to congratulate them personally, E-mail them or something.

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Hey all,

im so fed up of hearing about t-uk that i thought i would start this topic.

I have never and will never order from t-uk.

Tartybikes have never ever messed up any orders that i have placed, and believe me there have been a lot.

The service is second to none and every order ive ever placed has been in stock.

Why anyone would use any other company is beyond comprehension.

I thought we could have a positive thread for once, rather than bashing someone.

Well done Adam and the team and keep it up.

Andy B

you say that

they sent me a echo rim instead of a echo tyre..it said ali packed it and that stan checked it or the other way round dont see how they made that mistake but i benifited from that becuase i only payed 20 for it but still

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People should take note if Tartybikes were the only trials shop going we wouldn't get the deals we currently do. It also seems the only places to buy from are Tarty, Clean & Delta & Select, which are all good :)

Yeah theres no real need for this topic, Im sure people are going to see the bright red topics with titles T-uk, Theyl soon see the ammount of people who have been shafted by Danko. Also the tonnes of people Reccomending Tarty.

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My plan,

is to open my own internet Trials specific company.

I will offer competative pricing on all goods.

Maybe, even 'pricematch' or undercut the lowest out there.

you will have my word.

It will be delivered to your home, on the day you request, at the excact time,

wrapped in ribbons and bows.

Sorry for my sarcasm, but , unless you walk into a shop, pay with cash and physically

carry the goods home,

you are entering the wonderful world that is 'internet shopping'. Where nothing is as real as it seems!

Have patience, my freinds.


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My plan,

is to open my own internet Trials specific company.

I will offer competative pricing on all goods.

Maybe, even 'pricematch' or undercut the lowest out there.

you will have my word.

It will be delivered to your home, on the day you request, at the excact time,

wrapped in ribbons and bows.

Sorry for my sarcasm, but , unless you walk into a shop, pay with cash and physically

carry the goods home,

you are entering the wonderful world that is 'internet shopping'. Where nothing is as real as it seems!

Have patience, my freinds.


unless you go to tartybikes :D

iv spent like £100+ a month on them for my bike parts for the past 3 years haha

and the only thing that ever was wrong is once they didnt get the right colour echo rim in when they said it should be in.... so they gave me £15 off to buy something to strip it with haha, as i had to get coloured rim but wanted silver.... now how cool is that!!!

seriously tartybikes = tried and tested good quality makes/parts and damn perfect service

trials-uk = pretty cheap cappy makes mainly and parts not many people even dare try and worste service in internet trials shop history

if you go to trials uk still, after reading these topics then your obviously plain damn stupid and deserve to be ripped off (Y)

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Yeah sorry, never had dealings with this particular firm, just others.

All I meant was, sometimes you have to bully them to get what you want.

Just keep emailing or phoning, or an old fashioned letter sometimes works! :D

Speaking from internet shopping experience, but hey, what do I know! :S


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