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Butler N Slinger Will Be On Tv Soon


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Sobered up? You had 1 warm bottle of Budweiser with a pizza.

And, the time you posted that I just got in!!

I think joined the launch48.com guys, which involved braindstorming and drinking :)

I'm going to blog about it now and post it tomorrow AM. Still very tired due to the noise that elevator made all night :@ :@

Any news on Trials Display?

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Yer, they didnt get through..

That's really surprising. I thought at least one bike team would get through. Still for 2 of the 4 that entered to get to the final 150 is a good achievement.

At this stage, the chaps are feeling it was a hell of a lot of time, effort and waiting and aren't particularly interested in doing it next year. I say, wait and see :) It's been a good experience that we might do better with a second time around.

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