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I have a feeling I won't be so lucky. And it'll cost me a fortune with flights.

UWE turned me down instantly after submitting my application. I'd been talking to them before submitting it and they said that I'd be more than welcome on their course. I have a feeling that because I don't have A-Levels or a recognised UCAS qualification they automatically rejected me. One e-mail later and it looks like it is being sorted! Nothing back from the other four though. I want to go to Keele more than anywhere else, and that's the toughest one I've applied for.

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Interviews can suck. One of mine was thoroughly unpleasant.

By the way Simpson, Bristol were the slowest to reply out of all my choices and mostly likewise for other students on my course. Some didn't even hear until March/April time. But then, Bristol is the most popular university, in terms of places to applicants, within the UK, so it's kind've understandable.

Edited by Ben Rowlands
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Bristol is the most popular university, in terms of places to applicants, within the UK, so it's kind've understandable.

Yep my course was something like: Applicants - 137 Places - 13 its in the prospective somewhere ah fingers crossed i suppose, and everyone i know who has applyed to Bristol have had no feedback what-so-ever.

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whats so great about bristol? or is it just their real good at somethings?

Im just curious, as ive spent 32 weeks over the last 3 years down there, and nothings seemed that great about the city, sure its not a bad place, but it hasnt seemed brilliant, so couldnt see you where going there for the nightlife.

Is it just if you go there, your more likely to pass, or more likely to pass with a decent degree? or is it a case of a degree from bristol counts for more than a degree from manchester met, when it comes to job interviews??

Sorry, im kind of out of the loop for universities and degrees etc, just kind of curious.

Also you say to be assessed on a par with other applicants you have to have your application in by the 16th of whenever it was, what is the latest you can apply and get in?

Just semi curious as i may be wanting to attend in the future(got my qualifications on thursday,and ive got enough UCAS points to get me into university twice, currently doing an extra qualification, and ive possibly getting another 2 years to go ontop of that further, but if the additional 2 years doesnt happen, id be looking at going to univesity(probably september 2010 now)

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Im just curious, as ive spent 32 weeks over the last 3 years down there, and nothings seemed that great about the city, sure its not a bad place, but it hasnt seemed brilliant, so couldnt see you where going there for the nightlife.

Its the 5th top uni in the country for maths. Unlike your GCSE's where you modules are assessed externally by companys like AQA, or Edexcell uni's give out there own marks which are internally assessed, which means if you go to somewhere like Oxford and get a 1st it is far superior to a 1st from a lower uni like South East Essex College. So employers want to see you got into the best uni possible (which will requre higher UCAS points as part of the system) Theres a lot of snobbery and stuff arround it.

At the end of the day you have to go wheres best for you not only achademically, but more importantly get the course thats right for you.

Edited by Simpson
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whats so great about bristol? or is it just their real good at somethings?

Im just curious, as ive spent 32 weeks over the last 3 years down there, and nothings seemed that great about the city, sure its not a bad place, but it hasnt seemed brilliant, so couldnt see you where going there for the nightlife.

I'd personally disagree about the nightlife but then it comes down to what your night interests are :P Bristol possesses a very broad choice of music types and I often travel there with friends for a night out. I think though that beyond the appeal of Bristol university being a 'good' uni, it is indeed the city that attracts people. Aesthetically pleasing and almost like a town in the sense of not feeling too crowded or dense. I also think it has a 'laid back' atmosphere but I may be projecting such qualities into the environment. Amongst other things it was the city of Bristol which attracted me to Bristol uni over a 'better' university choice in the city of London. London probably would have driven me insane.

I think the times and guardian university review websites will probably describe to you better why people are attracted to Bristol.

Also what Simpson said, employers are looking more and more at the university you've been to. I think basically because so many people get degrees, and good results within those degrees, they need as many possible ways of distinguishing quality between prospective employees. Even if it doesn't neccesarily mean much.

Edited by Ben Rowlands
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I'd personally disagree about the nightlife but then it comes down to what your night interests are :P Bristol possesses a very broad choice of music types and I often travel there with friends for a night out. I think though that beyond the appeal of Bristol university being a 'good' uni, it is indeed the city that attracts people. Aesthetically pleasing and almost like a town in the sense of not feeling too crowded or dense. I also think it has a 'laid back' atmosphere but I may be projecting such qualities into the environment. Amongst other things it was the city of Bristol which attracted me to Bristol uni over a 'better' university choice in the city of London. London probably would have driven me insane.

I think the times and guardian university review websites will probably describe to you better why people are attracted to Bristol.

Also what Simpson said, employers are looking more and more at the university you've been to. I think basically because so many people get degrees, and good results within those degrees, they need as many possible ways of distinguishing quality between prospective employees. Even if it doesn't neccesarily mean much.

Dont get me wrong, bristols a good night out, but after having 60 or so of them, the citys getting very tired to me. We occasionally find decent places that arent normally decent, but it seems to be a one off. I dont know whethers its because i go on a weekday more than a weekend or what.

I just find that with 100+ nights out in manchester, the place still isnt really gettin boring, i quite often hear mates talking about clubs ive never been in, and it just seems quite easy to find a night out most nights no matter what your taste in music is, take me personally im kinda into rock/pop rock/pop punk/indie etc. I know on a monday i can go ritz, tuesday i can go satans, wednesday i can go PBR, thursday i can go thursday night jillies(the only night when the place isnt terrifying to walk into),friday theres a fair few places,and the same with saturday. thats before i start mentioning all the manchester indie venues (south,5th ave, 42nd street,the venue etc).

Compare that to bristol, if you want a rock/indie night in the week, only ever really found syndicate on a wednesday. Normally only ever seems to be one busy club per weeknight(no matter what music your into). Whereas went to Cardiff on thursday, ended up in walkabout most of the night, but chattin to people in wetherspoons, there where a few busy clubs there most nights.

As for Bristol being a real nice place, i guess it kind of is, its rather pretty and isnt hell to drive/walk round like a fair few places, but i dont think thatd ever warrant me spending 3 years there over somewhere else. And its as much its downfall as it is a blessing, in manchester, i know off oxford street i can get a bus to the residential areas just outside the city (fallowfield,didsbury, northenden,stretford, sale etc) every 5 or minutes most of the way through the night, as opposed to bristol, where public transport doesnt sem that brilliant at all, especially not later in the night.(cant even really get a bus to within a couple of miles of where were staying)

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Obviously then it's a kind of personal preference. My electronic and other music tastes are more than catered for but then music from the likes of Massive Attack, Tricky and Portishead have deeply influenced the cities' music scene; this is music I grow up listening to and enjoying. It seems to make sense that Manchester would have a larger rock/indie scene anyway on the basis of their musical roots. But yeah, we all like different things and it would seem in reference to the popularity of Bristol that for whatever set of reasons, we can say a lot of people find it more appealing than other places.

I have heard that the public transport in Bristol is a bit crap. In fact they supposedly stopped the bus that takes people from the campus to the uni some miles away. But I cycles so that doesn't concern me much :turned:

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Yeh Jeff! They told me that when they offered me my places, it was based on my UCAS Application and whether I got the results, so all I have to do now is get my 240 points.

Whats the course?

I'm doing interactive media with animation. For me, I need 200 points to get on. Strangely, for my mate, he needs 160.


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