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Wrist Problem?


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How many of you have problems with a wrist? Which wrist is it and which foot do you ride forward? My wrist has gotten really bad to the point I can't lift over 10 lbs with it (left/left) I didn't have this problem when I had suspension because my fork at negative travel so when u pull up its not a snappy feel. But I gotta swtich from a mod to a 24" so i can run suspension without facking my geo up. I try to ride for several hours a day if i stop riding for a couple weeks and let it heal after i ride for about 3 hours it comes back. I ride a really facked up mod (toxsin 20.1) maybe its just because its too short for me? The problem started when i switched from my dob back to the toxsin, but I don't know if the lack of suspension caused it or the bike it self... :( anyone else have this problem? I tried a couple differnt bar setups too. Less upsweep seemed to help but it hasn't fixed it at all.

Edited by sayshell
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I once torn the ligements in my wrist and it has never healed proper to this day, so there fore i wear a wrist support which helps really well.

What i find when i pay attention is, that unsubconsienly<(sorry about spelling ;) ) i tend to put more weight on my right hand with me being right handed.

Theres not much you can do about this but my advice would be to wear a wrist support and change the angle of the levers and maybe the bars till you feel the weight of your top

half sitting on your arms and elbows if you get me :) .

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I used to have wrist-hurting problems too. Sometimes the left will hurt more, sometimes the right will hurt more. I'm right-handed by the way.

I'll just let it rest, try not to ride so often, and wear a wrist guard (it's actually a neoprene wrap).

It'll get better in time. I'm Chinese, and there's this Chinese saying that for such wrist pains, you shouldn't drink cold fluids? I still drink anyway.

I also do some wrist exercises with some weights, holding them and curling your wrists. (not too sure of the exact term)

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Broke both of mine about a year and a few months ago, They feel fine for a while but if i ride a few days in a row then they can get pretty bad :( I also just took up bmx and that hasen't done me and favours what so ever. Right one also gets abit stiff once I've been on the laptop for a while, constantly moving it doesn't seem to help much (N)

Wearing a wrist support does help alot, but doesnt completely get rid of the pain, Just relax for a wee while and it should get better pretty quickly ;)

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so it's not just me and old age then!!!

I have had a real pain in my left wrist for over 2 months now... it started when i used some carbon riser bars for a couple of days and i can only assume that because of the carbon they don't flex at all and therefore my wrists took all the vibrations and hits. But it could have been poor lever, bar position and possibly too thick grips.

I have been to the doctors 3 times about it now and all they say is rest and ibuprofen will sort it out... even if it was cracked or split they say the don't really do much to them these days other than put on a wrist brace. But over 2 months later it is still much the same. I have now changed the stem and have new bars, and tipped them forward a bit to get a nice comfortable wrist position and i have changed grips to much thinner ones... also Ryan Pekala suggested after riding my bike that i had the rear brake lever adjusted too far out and my fingers were stretched using it for back hops etc. I have un-adjusted the rear brake and i have to admit that these changes make riding far more comfortable... but not painless.

My guess is that only time will allow it to heel again but i get bored shitless if i can't get out on the Adamant or my Beta for more than 3 days!!

To ride i chuck a few ibuprofen in the gob and use 2 of those stretchy wrist supports.... gives me 3 hours before the pain kicks in too much again :D

I did try using one of those power ball thingy's but it made it hurt more so stopped that!... lifting a bottle of stella seems to be ok though ;)

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thanks for the help

Im 21

My wrist pain is from pulling not from landings. Pushing motions are no problem. Does a wrist brace help for pulling at all? Healing doesn't really do anything as I stated. I stopped riding for almost a month once and when I started it went bad after a couple hours. The main thing that hurts is bunny hops. Aside from that nothing else is too bad. Unfortunately bunny hops are necessary for pretty much any type of trick riding.

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thanks for the help

Im 21

My wrist pain is from pulling not from landings. Pushing motions are no problem. Does a wrist brace help for pulling at all? Healing doesn't really do anything as I stated. I stopped riding for almost a month once and when I started it went bad after a couple hours. The main thing that hurts is bunny hops. Aside from that nothing else is too bad. Unfortunately bunny hops are necessary for pretty much any type of trick riding.


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I found the shape of my bars made a massive difference..

I did use Zoo risers that had barely any upward or backward sweep. Got wrist ache all the time..

I now use Trialstech Sport Riser bars, and they have a greater sweep angle so your wrists are straight instead or forced inward due to the bars being almost flat (If you know what I mean)

I've had no problems with wrists since..

Oh, and I've reduced my lever angle too.. They used to be about 45 degrees from horizontal.. They're both about 25-30 degrees from horizontal now.. That also helped with balance somehow, & I no longer get blisters on my index fingers unless I ride all day.. (8-10hrs)


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I found the shape of my bars made a massive difference..

I did use Zoo risers that had barely any upward or backward sweep. Got wrist ache all the time..

I now use Trialstech Sport Riser bars, and they have a greater sweep angle so your wrists are straight instead or forced inward due to the bars being almost flat (If you know what I mean)

I've had no problems with wrists since..

Oh, and I've reduced my lever angle too.. They used to be about 45 degrees from horizontal.. They're both about 25-30 degrees from horizontal now.. That also helped with balance somehow, & I no longer get blisters on my index fingers unless I ride all day.. (8-10hrs)


hmm that makes sense but when I saw a pic of that its the same shape as my viz bars which hurt the worst. If I pull anything with any force it hurts. Even if im just lifting a weight perfectly straight, so I don't think the angle can help.

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