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Danny Swindlehurst

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at first it had black and white then it had emos.........

i dont want to watch this silly emo 20 inch shit , it isnt what trials is about.

its sad,,,,,can you boys actualy ride forward?

you boys are side hopping , gapping , and up to fronting.

but realy you are basicaly kidding it . you ARE MISSING OUT ON RIDING SO MUCH.

what you do isnt riding .

Lmao completely undeeded.


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at first it had black and white then it had emos.........

i dont want to watch this silly emo 20 inch shit , it isnt what trials is about.

its sad,,,,,can you boys actualy ride forward?

you boys are side hopping , gapping , and up to fronting.

but realy you are basicaly kidding it . you ARE MISSING OUT ON RIDING SO MUCH.

what you do isnt riding .

dude, youre qwite obviously a tosser, and thats uncalled for

doesnt matter wether their emos or not, if were was all the same and our videos wer all the same, how shit would it be opening a vid knowing full well what youre going to see :S

there riding is RIDING? :rolleyes: hahah ok, think youl find IT ISSS! and there damm good at what they do aswell dan and tom!

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Video was ok, and thats it, hes just an average rider, nothing more. Style looked very uncontrolled and messy aswell.

Although i do believe he has potential.

my bros proberly better than 60% on this forum

Very bold statement, would like to see you prove it.

Edited by â„¢Adam-Griffinâ„¢
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at first it had black and white then it had emos.........

i dont want to watch this silly emo 20 inch shit , it isnt what trials is about.

its sad,,,,,can you boys actualy ride forward?

you boys are side hopping , gapping , and up to fronting.

but realy you are basicaly kidding it . you ARE MISSING OUT ON RIDING SO MUCH.

what you do isnt riding .

your shit and just jealous, and whats the problem of how people dress ? hardly emo just liking the skinnys yee.

trials isnt about one type of wheel size and natty, can be any wheel size and any style. if they like riding street then they like riding street, if you like riding what ever style you ride then you like that. dont have to discriminate riders because 'theyre not what you like'

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your shit and just jealous, and whats the problem of how people dress ? hardly emo just liking the skinnys yee.

trials isnt about one type of wheel size and natty, can be any wheel size and any style. if they like riding street then they like riding street, if you like riding what ever style you ride then you like that. dont have to discriminate riders because 'theyre not what you like'


on a diff note: after a rewatch of the vid realised youre dropgaps are qwite on the large size of town! :o

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cant wait for you to tell me im the mosher not you.....

Well if you know im gonna say it, Its clearly a shit insult :huh:

Edit - All this, because i said i didnt like black and white. Jesus.

You guys take stuff to heart way to easily. All these comments, bumming the f**k out of the vid, and then one small comment from anyone ( not saying me ) saying the vid isnt great, and you threaten to beat the person up. You cant even say thats not true. Its all here in this thread. Crazy.

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Well if you know im gonna say it, Its clearly a shit insult :huh:

Edit - All this, because i said i didnt like black and white. Jesus.

You guys take stuff to heart way to easily. All these comments, bumming the f**k out of the vid, and then one small comment from anyone ( not saying me ) saying the vid isnt great, and you threaten to beat the person up. You cant even say thats not true. Its all here in this thread. Crazy.

Its not the fact u said it wasnt good, you could put, wasnt too my taste, sorry lads.

anything, but your just a complete wanker, i acctually cant believe you HAVE friends.



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And as for black and white..

We have colour now days..

Riding was alright.

Its not the fact u said it wasnt good, you could put, wasnt too my taste, sorry lads.

Care to tell me where i said it wasnt very good?

Your really shit at argument. You dont even know what your argue'ing about.

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Its not the fact u said it wasnt good, you could put, wasnt too my taste, sorry lads.

anything, but your just a complete wanker, i acctually cant believe you HAVE friends.



Joe said

"And as for black and white..

We have colour now days..

Riding was alright. "

Hes pretty much saying "i dont really like the whole black and white video thing you guys have got going on in most videos, but in all fairness your not a bad rider."

Yet you lot just jump on it likes he spunked all over your cereal and start to offer him out for a fight.

Just chill out, take it on board, think about what you need to different for your next video (because the reason people keep watching these videos, is most of us are mildly impressed with the riding) and not try to email everyone a left hook everytime they dont brown nose the northern TGS crew.

Jeez...talk about getting your skinnies in a twist.

Edit: Joes not only better looking than me, he types quicker.

and i forgot to add my view on the video, as everyone has said, the riding is rather good, but... its very samey, ive watched most of danny's videos and 1 or 2 of toms, and they all have very much the same feel to them.

Edited by Fish-Finger-er
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Joe said

"And as for black and white..

We have colour now days..

Riding was alright. "

Hes pretty much saying "i dont really like the whole black and white video thing you guys have got going on in most videos, but in all fairness your not a bad rider."

Yet you lot just jump on it likes he spunked all over your cereal and start to offer him out for a fight.

Just chill out, take it on board, think about what you need to different for your next video (because the reason people keep watching these videos, is most of us are mildly impressed with the riding) and not try to email everyone a left hook everytime they dont brown nose the northern TGS crew.

Jeez...talk about getting your skinnies in a twist.

Edit: Joes not only better looking than me, he types quicker.

and i forgot to add my view on the video, as everyone has said, the riding is rather good, but... its very samey, ive watched most of danny's videos and 1 or 2 of toms, and they all have very much the same feel to them.

Lmao, thats a good un.


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at first it had black and white then it had emos.........

i dont want to watch this silly emo 20 inch shit , it isnt what trials is about.

its sad,,,,,can you boys actualy ride forward?

you boys are side hopping , gapping , and up to fronting.

but realy you are basicaly kidding it . you ARE MISSING OUT ON RIDING SO MUCH.

what you do isnt riding .

D a f t C u n t

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haha this topic is a joke!

you guys, seriously 90% off you should work in a salon i bet you would beat most hair butchering' hoe's at winging haha like a bunch of old lady's!


as for the riding,

looking good for a young lad tbf! quiet a boring edit, i get a feeling he might need to work on his basic's thou? just a thought..

see what the next vid brings aye.

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Didn't like the long intro, or all the black and white... and I hated the song!

Good rider though! Although I don't think this video shows his full potential. All the sidehops were around the same size, so it's pretty much the same sidehop, kinda? Don't really need to see it 10times in 2minutes of riding.

Did chuckle at some of the bails though!

But yeah, keep copying Damon, his last edit was amazing! :P

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Lol, thats the reason i dont send songs i use in vids :P.

nice riding though.


shut up matt! i sent you the song in the first place! u fat moshpit tryna act astho ur the music guru around these parts! B)

for the attention of Tomm swindleburger:

you look ALOT better on that jew 07 btw! :)

maybe a milder song next edit? :)


Edited by Damon W
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