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Help Me Choose My V-brake Pads (front And Rear)


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hi there

i'll have a new 24" bike soon, and i want to put v-brakes on both front and rear (don't ask me why, this is another discussion :) )

which pads would you recommend for front, so that it has a bit of modulation, but can also lock the wheel

and which would you recommend for the back (more lock than modulation)

i would like to avoid grinding , so let me know what works best FOR SMOOTH RIMS.

(i might use some tar on the back if desperate)

thanks a lot!

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I used Plazmatics with the ally holders on the rear of mine for 6 months before and after giving the rims a grind.... and also tried with and without tar and they were great all the time. Worked better with a grind in the wet than without though.

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thanks for the posts

let me get one thing straight- "plazmatics" are all trials pads, right? or is it a firm?

what do you say about the default avid pads for the front?

also, do you think the inspired pads are different from the v-fly pads? (they look the same)

Edited by zoster
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plazmatic crv pads, awesome pads, smooth rim plenty of bite and hold with a lil bit of modulation, enough to work with. dont work in the wet though. with a light sharp grind like im now running much the same but now work in the wet. spont, good wear life too.

did you have any problems with the thread of the alloy backings? my friend stripped one recently from a heatsink pad

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I use the stock avid pads in the front. They work well with as much modulation as you could ever want. With a little pressure they lock up just fine. It's a front wheel and there is not that much force on it to worry about a soft pad.

As far as the rear goes, I used plaz pads for years with no grind. They worked fine for me. I recently tried the Mo pads and they were ok but they didn't work all that well in the wet. THe plaz pads worked in all conditions. I am currently trying out the Tango pads and they are awesome, they work great and also work in all conditions and seem to be lasting longer then the plaz pads.

I was having issues with the plaz pads, chunks of the pads kept ripping off. This is why I have been trying out some new pads.

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I use the stock avid pads in the front. They work well with as much modulation as you could ever want. With a little pressure they lock up just fine. It's a front wheel and there is not that much force on it to worry about a soft pad.

As far as the rear goes, I used plaz pads for years with no grind. They worked fine for me. I recently tried the Mo pads and they were ok but they didn't work all that well in the wet. THe plaz pads worked in all conditions. I am currently trying out the Tango pads and they are awesome, they work great and also work in all conditions and seem to be lasting longer then the plaz pads.

I was having issues with the plaz pads, chunks of the pads kept ripping off. This is why I have been trying out some new pads.

You were running the Tangos and the plaz with no grind and it worked fine in the wet?

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You were running the Tangos and the plaz with no grind and it worked fine in the wet?

Yeah. Though I am running DX32 rims and they have a machined side wall. I like lots of modulation though. Most people like the wheel to stop and not move at all, I like it to stop when I want it to but I like it to roll as well.

If I hold lightly on the brake it will roll. If I pull a bit harder it locks up. I trust my brakes and am fine with it where most people don't trust their brakes enough to ride like this.

I am sure that this sounds crazy but I hope it came out the way I wanted.

I guess I ride this way because I am an old skool rider. I learned how to ride trials on bikes that didn't have brakes that worked all that well. So you learn how to use it the way it is and now I just ride that way.

Edited by Gilman
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I think that you can take for front pads plasmatic,and for rear v-break you can take one of these


with tar you will haven't got eny problem with your rear break.I'm with v-break too and i think to do the same.

best wishes Nikolay

I wish you understand me :D

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Yeah. Though I am running DX32 rims and they have a machined side wall. I like lots of modulation though. Most people like the wheel to stop and not move at all, I like it to stop when I want it to but I like it to roll as well.

I've used a dx32 and a lmf with machined sidewalls and plaz still don't work in the wet....

Lost all bite and wouldn't hold.

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I've used a dx32 and a lmf with machined sidewalls and plaz still don't work in the wet....

Lost all bite and wouldn't hold.

Well I guess the fact is that my plaz pads that I was talkingabout were from 1999. So maybe an old compound that they changed later on. I actually replaced my pads and they didn't seem to work as well as my really old ones.

Now I am running the 44 tango. They work pretty good so far.

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inspired v pads on the back, the fat ones!

Damon knows!

Meant to be ruddy good pads, I got some t'other week, seem plenty grippy just pressing it on the rim, can't wait to give 'em a proper go. Bloody wide, mind, completely engulfed my sidewalls :P

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Coustvees on the back. They'll last ages on a smooth rim, are made of harder material than Plazmatic Crvs but have the same power. On the front it depends what brake you want to have. I'm using Plazmatic Crvs on the front and they are just on-off, very loud. If you'd rather have some modulation, just take some standard cheap pads, they'll do the job.

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