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What Is The Highest I Could Wheelie Drop


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Happy New Year Everyone

I was just wondering what is the highest you would recomend wheelie dropping?? i am very skilled at this as i can not properly back wheel hop yet, so I've been doing this instead, so far i have wheelie dropped 8 pallets I ride a zona zip.

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Sprog :D(Y)

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When I had my t-vee i "wheelie dropped" off 4ft 11 (just over 9 pallets) and it was fine but it all depends on what you feel comfortable doing.................ok that seems resonable thanks

You've been on this site for 8 months and dont know how to back hop?

I think you should quit now (no offence or anything)..............Well I'm sorry if thats my fault

thanks for your comments

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You've been on this site for 8 months and dont know how to back hop?

I think you should quit now (no offence or anything)

I've been on this forum for like 4 years and i don't really drop much over 8 pallets.

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was a very twattish thing to say and constructed with no thought, however he doe's have a valid point, whats the point in having a trials bike that your parents obiously brought for you to ''wheelie off pallets'' seriously a waste of the bike, you could wheelie off a 8 foot wall on a dirt-jumping bike if you wanted to, how about learning how to ride propperly, and quit wheelie'ing off stuff.

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was a very twattish thing to say and constructed with no thought, however he doe's have a valid point, whats the point in having a trials bike that your parents obiously brought for you to ''wheelie off pallets'' seriously a waste of the bike, you could wheelie off a 8 foot wall on a dirt-jumping bike if you wanted to, how about learning how to ride propperly, and quit wheelie'ing off stuff.................I am learning to get back wheel control i'm just not as faster learner as some of you others are

thanks for your comments (Y)

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was a very twattish thing to say and constructed with no thought, however he doe's have a valid point, whats the point in having a trials bike that your parents obiously brought for you to ''wheelie off pallets'' seriously a waste of the bike, you could wheelie off a 8 foot wall on a dirt-jumping bike if you wanted to, how about learning how to ride propperly, and quit wheelie'ing off stuff.................I am learning to get back wheel control i'm just not as faster learner as some of you others are

thanks for your comments (Y)

thats fair enough, but running before you can walk possibly comes to mind. when i was 12/13 i was throwing myself off stupid stuff, dropped 10 foot to concrete at 14.....but i was rough as hell, and came off a couple of times(luckily only on 3- 4 foot stuff to grass). The roughness was due to lack of technique, and the couple of times i came off, was due to lack of skill, i.e not being at the correct distance from the edge with pedal stroke etc.

If you spend your time practising back hops etc on the ground/on kurbs, youll get back wheel control, allowing you to be much safer up there. Youll also not have to worry about the correct length run up, as youll be able to adjust the run up yourself(as well as alter your front wheel height while holding it on the back wheel).

Not only this, but youll be able to make 4 foot drops as smooth as dropping 6 inches at the moment. by learning to get on the back wheel at the edge, lower the front right down, and let the bike roll off the edge(giving it a little kick to get the back end straight down)

Everything will become smoother, more controlled, safer, lighter on your parts. and just generally look a lot better.

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its all a stage of a progression though perhaps hes trying and hes nearly getting there, i think i read that ban travis took a year to be able to backhop so he aint do that bad :P

You have to take into account Ben wasn't riding a trials specific bike when he learnt that, was probably riding a crappy jump bike with a 22t sprocket, rigid forks and horrible geometry. It only took me about a week to learn how to pedal kick on a 2002 T-Pro, if I had a trials specific bike such as a Zona Zip with proper trials parts on and maggies I could probably learn in a day.

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