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How To Get Rounded Off Bolts?


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Hello Guys, Im stuck in a postion where i rounded my bolts on my rotor torx bolts and cant get the rotor of the hub so i was wondering how i would get it of without having to re-drill the hub. basically re-coil the hub as i dont want to mess it up.

Grind/hacksaw a groove in the head then use a screwdriver.

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Grind/hacksaw a groove in the head then use a screwdriver.

agreed. If the bolt is too tight, drill the head off and there should still be enough left of the bolt to remove with a set of pliers.

I've done both, with different bolts obviously, and they both worked. If it doesnt work for you, then you've got problems lol.


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hacksaw a groove in the bolt head to fit a screwdriver then boil the ketle and poor it over the hub where the bolt goes in it will expand the metal of the hub so the bolt comes out easy as pie and because its not a flame heating the metal it wont burn off any paint =]

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