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Green Fluro Rims Mod Pictures.


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When I got my Echo's rims built onto my hubs at Tarty's, they were really good builds.

But after like 4 days all the spokes came really and some were that bad I could undo them with my finger.

Took it into my LBs and they re-trued it for £5 and since then it kept the tension in all the spokes.

But I still wasn't to happy that I had to pay £5 to the the wheel sorted 4 days after I payed £15 for it to get built :(

My front Echo one is still got good tension in all the spokes, never had to get it trued.

Yeah but yours was built in the summer and things expand when there hot. :P

My build was done very good in December at some point by Tartybikes.

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