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Graffiti Writers On The Forum


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  • 1 month later...
That's bullshit :S Graffiti artists don't go out thinking 'aahh im gonna go damage loadsa property', they go out thinking 'yer i'm gonna go paint some pretty letters'

Likewise, trials riders don't go out thinking 'aahh i'm gonna go destroy some walls', they just go out wanting to learn tricks.

I can only speak for myself, and like I've already said i'm not denying that there's alot of c**ts in graffiti (same for trials really), but criminal damage is generally not the main goal of a writer. For a start, if your art is really damaging it will get removed straight away or the police will get more hot on you. An example of this is how when spraying trains you never spray over the carriage numbers and a few other bits, because if you do the train has to be resprayed immediately, which costs alot of money for train companies and means your art gets taken down straight away. But then there's also the fact that even graffiti artists DO have some morals. Another unwritten rule is no hitting private property or small businesses, which i admit may sometimes be broken by over zelous beginners, but that's like the fact that the whole no riding on churches, war memorials etc is often broken by some trails riders. I know someone will argue, 'oohh but then the government have to spend taxes cleaning it etc' but it's exactly the same as trials and let's face it, the government aren't exactly amazing at spending our taxes anyway.

Your basically talking alot of rubbish about something you know nothing about, i'm all up for a difference of opinions but the assumption that all graff artists DO want to harm public property as their main goal is just straight up uneducated.


I can't remember the last time I damaged anything when riding in a public place, be it accidental or deliberate. The vast majority of trials riders are probably the same as me. Even on the extremely rare occasion I should accidentally hit an object and leave a permanent mark it is never intentional and it certainly isn't on the scale of covering a whole wall with some impotent peorsonal territorial statement.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Probably best to find some in your own area, just go to any legal walls/skateparks near you and ask around. avoid 14 year olds in skinny jeans and new eras though.

In other graffiti related news, dropped my first non legal ''piece'' (more of a glorified throwie) last night. really bassic because its my first one, will get pictures of some blackbook versions of it later...

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Does anyone actually know any really good graff artists? Like, presonally, who would do some work for me?

Like Joe says, no-one good is gonna travel from where i am to Loughborough for a commision unless it's really decent money. What is it you need? Might be able to find someone nearer to you if i got a few more details an how much you wanna spend etc?

I found some maaasiiive old boards in the garage and erected them on my garden lawn as a wall while my parents are away haha. Now i dunno whether to bother going secret wars or just paint all night with a few beers and my ipod.

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