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Graffiti Writers On The Forum


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to be honest, its something that all young people can do in this country as not much is provided for us. cus unless your into ball sports ur a bit screwed (appart from skate/bmx)...

its a bit like ua and parkour, we use what available to us, and if you. and some people can probably only afford a spray can or whatever, and the good graffitti round my area isnt like there for the hell of it, they obviously spend time looking for a good walls to make what they do stand out and alot as fckin amazing!! ill get some pics next time im out, but to be honest the whole tagging thing is a little sad, i can understand the logic but its something i would of done when i was like 12, 'hey look everyone, im a nutter, i wrote asg ont hat wall there wooooooo'... hmmm good for you (Y)

but yea, i like graffitti, iv got this pic that i picked up in errm maybe dubai, cant remember... but a guy made it with just spray cans and a few pics of paper lol

heres a pic


its a crap pic, cus of the reflection and shit cam but still, its pretty cool

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I knew this would get smashed down, lighten up trials forum you bunch or boring f**kers.

trials is litterally the most uncool sport ever.

and its you fags that make it that way.

to the guy that posted this go find a bmx forum, they know how to have a fun time.

I'm going to be controversial and agree with that. I normally think you're full of shit too, so this is a turn up for the books. Apart from the BMX forum bit, because I have no idea about those.

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The problem with graffiti is that 95% of it is totally rubbish and pointless, but the odd bits are quite cool to look at so I don't really mind. If it's interesting and it's in a cool place then I will enjoy it. If it's just your name written in illegible writing on the side of the local primary school, then I'm not interested.

to be honest, its something that all young people can do in this country as not much is provided for us. cus unless your into ball sports ur a bit screwed (appart from skate/bmx)...

That's such a rubbish excuse, whatever it's for. Why not just go and drink cider in a bus stop, and get some teenager pregnant? Then you could blame the government or something.

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but to be honest the whole tagging thing is a little sad, i can understand the logic but its something i would of done when i was like 12, 'hey look everyone, im a nutter, i wrote asg ont hat wall there wooooooo'... hmmm good for you (Y)

Yer but yet again that's a stereotype based on probably only knowing little shit taggers that tell the world about it, because the more experienced and more skilled ones and the ones that aren't total fannys keep themselves to themselves and you wouldn't really know. You think Tox goes around on the circle line pointing out the window and showing the person next to him all the scribbles he's done?

Personally i think taggers are kinda wierd, at the end of the day to run about on your own all night you gotta be, but that kind of impression is just a massive stereotype which is often wrong.

Tomms point of view is a very valid and reasonable one i think, but you just gotta accept that every pastime attracts pricks and graffiti, with the stigma it's got, attracts a few more. Plus you have no option but to look at the pricks work because due to the nature of it it's right in front of you. It's like people saying 'ahh i hate artists' because some of the art you may have to see in gallerys is shit. It's kinda selfish of beginner artists to make you see their crap, but that's life, and you can't really learn graffiti stuck in your garage spraying away, the fumes will kill you for a start.

EDIT: oh and my opinion may be different to some peoples cos i class graffiti as tagging, characters, pieces etc that were actually done for the sake of graffiti kinda thing? Things like 'Matt woz ere' aren't graff in my eyes, just vandalism (which i respect is a part of graff) and i bet the matt that wrote that doesn't class himself as a tagger or a graffiti artist or whatever.

Edited by Max Quinn
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I’m not a tagger I don’t go around banging Neos up on every thing I see, most of my graffiti is in my black book like wild styles, euro’s and some other things but on the street I just do quick bombs like twice a month.

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I think the difference betwen wall art and graffiti is poignancy.

Wall art i can understand, graffiti is just not cool, in fact personally i think its shit, and so unimaginative, like the first set of pictures that were posted i would just class as vandalism.

spray art, not your name "All artists are willing to suffer for their work. But why are so few prepared to learn to draw?"

But that's just my opinion.

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Where do you draw the line though?





Those are definately graffiti, they are all someones tag for a start. But does that suddenly become \'wall art\' just because they got good?

And as a side note, i wouldn\'t say those pieces are outstanding, just the top google result i saw. There is some seriously amazing stuff even round Watford.

Edited by Max Quinn
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Actually the police are shit hot on Graffiti... Whenever we find some it gets a picture taken and gets put onto a database we've got and then investigated...

"Its annoying when you know the people that have the best pictures of your work are the police" - Banksy.

Tags lead to Throwies that leads to Wildstyles. So if you can read graffiti and you see a wildstyle saying jamerosh, then you see a few tags around here and there, a few bombs under motorway bridges etc as a writer or somebody really into graffiti you realise some of the work the writers have gone to, being the distances between there pieces, towns, citys and countrys, or just the places they have got to to do it.

Some people will just never understand - Its vandalism. Others may one day, stop and think, how did they manage that.

However, TOM WOZ ERE LUVIN TASH 4EVA BIG UP THE DAYS PARK CREW!!! is not graffiti. Thats shit, and for that reason is why i can see how anyone else can see actual graffiti as the same.

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Why do graffiti artists make it so hard to read their writing? :rolleyes:

I think it's alot to do with there personality

there style

imagine being able to broadcast your piece to the whole world knowing that no-one will feel the same way about it as you, for it to have the same meanings and to feel the same emotions as you looking at it that is what i call art

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I think it's alot to do with there personality

there style

imagine being able to broadcast your piece to the whole world knowing that no-one will feel the same way about it as you, for it to have the same meanings and to feel the same emotions as you looking at it that is what i call art

I'm sure the people who own the wall * share your opinion... ;)

* don't

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I think the line gets drawn when the graffiti is illegal. IE done at night without the "owner" of the walls consent.

Stuff used in modern/contemporary art, or things in a council backed scheme to liven up a tunnel or to cover an often "tagged" wall is good and is nice to look at. But when I kids spray "ART$" on the shutters at work and the windows have black specks on them and I have to spend all day cleaning them it's nothing short of a pain in the cock. And that then makes me think, the people who own those blocks of flats and have to spend £150 every month steam claning/repainting the walls must be really f**ked off too.

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imagine being able to broadcast your piece to the whole world knowing that no-one will feel the same way about it as you,

Well, I do agree that evoking emotions is what art is all about, and that's a good thing. On the other hand, what you appear to be describing which is a situation where you think something that you've done is brilliant and insightful, whereas potentially the only other emotion people are going to experience is anger (that you've sullied their wall), or at best, indifference.

I suppose that's the problem with a lot of graffiti - when the people who do it think they are clever or special in some way, and it's just a boring mess on someone's wall.

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There've been some amazing pieces at Southbank in the 3 years I've been there. Some dudes used to come every Saturday with a shitload of rollers and paint, clear a wall, then just do a massive piece. The technique they had just using cans was f**king insane - the fades, precision, tones and all that jazz they had were nuts. So it's a bit disappointing when someone who's just 'tagging' comes along and does some shit tag to show they've been there over the top of it, just scrawling a shitty outline of some letter style they're copying from someone else...

People doing graf at SB who seem to think they're on some divine f**king quest to prove their amazingness via spraying their name on a wall f**k me right off though. It's an unwritten rule that if people are riding or skating the banks, you don't tag there because you're getting in the way, and wet paint is shit, but when you get people who think that spraying their name on the banks is bigger than that, and is something that has to be done then it's irritating as f**k.

Similarly, it just seems a bit odd to just do a name. I don't mind graffiti, but I kinda classify graffiti as something that actually says something. Obviously you could argue that font style and shit like that is 'saying something', but if all it's saying is "I was here" then it's fairly empty.

The Banksy Tunnel setup by Waterloo was pretty rad while that was going - it was based on stencil work and there was some awesome shit there.

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Of course Blek le Rat is the original stencil king...

Also, anyone who has even a passing interest in graf should watch the 1980s documentary Style Wars, and also the film Wild Style. It was a whole different world back then. Man, what I'd give for a day in early eighties NYC...

Id quite like to live in the 70s/80s anyway really.

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Of course Blek le Rat is the original stencil king...

Also, anyone who has even a passing interest in graf should watch the 1980s documentary Style Wars, and also the film Wild Style. It was a whole different world back then. Man, what I'd give for a day in early eighties NYC...

There's a man with sense. Can't think of how many times i've watched style wars - everything seemed pretty awesome in those days, when the real Gods of graffiti were around like Seen, Dondi, Iz, Quik etc. What they used to do with such minimal gear is just amazing. They had a whole different view on it back then, too - i'd love to have been there for that :(

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