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Tf Is Dying A Death?

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Thats the thing though, SM's don't appear to do anything to you because you don't get to see our extra section of the forum ;) They do actually play a part in the ideas and running of the forum and help us out with decision making about various things on the forum.

For me the forum took a massive downhill turn when you became a mod.

So drugs will save us?

The drugs don't work, they just make you worse, but I know I'll see your face again, Charlie Headley.

I'll be honest, I've stayed out of this thread because these days I can't be bothered to read long posts, but that's because I'm tired from work when I get home and I have to do more work, but that's just my life and I'm going off the point.

It's hard to pinpoint when tf "turned shit". I for one, think that it still has its good points, there are plenty of decent members on here, and I've met shit loads of awesome people on here, but trials isn't really going anywhere currently, so Trials Chat is just filled with boring stuff, I can't be bothered to watch Vincent riding, especially as I feel Gilles and Giacomo are miles ahead of him in riding terms, but I'd still rather watch a fast paced BMX video or a nice chilled flatland video, but that's just me. It's not to say I don't enjoy trials, but living in a town where there is only one other rider who pushes me, and being that winter is upon us and I'm working a lot, it means that I don't get a chance to ride very often. Hopefully in the spring I can get back out on my bike, make the few last changes to make it sub 8kg because I'm a faggy weight whore, and start enjoying myself again. The last ride I really remember was awesome, Eskimo 360'd Lloyds set on his Bionic, I learnt to sidehop properly, met loads of new people and generally had a really great time. I've had a few other decent rides since then but until the weather picks up again, I'll just chill on one of my other bikes.

There are a fair few people I miss riding with a lot, including Grant, Burrows, Luke Rainbird, Dave Greening, Ben Johnson and Mat, but I'm sure we will all get back out on our bikes properly in a few months. Trials has slowed down for winter as it always does, and people are actually living their lives instead of coming on the forum. The forum isn't going to die, because I know I'm not the only one who feels that this forum is actually a pretty interesting part of my life, as sad as that sounds, but I do actually enjoy coming on here and I've made some awesome friends.

To summarise, no JT, you won't ever become a SM.

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Jesus, some of the replies in this thread :rolleyes: TF may not be at its former busy, witty glory, but it hasn't exactly gone to the dogs has it?

I think Macca's right about trials not really going anywhere at the moment. Trials chat/NMC is pretty wet to say the least, theres no new exciting vids being made. People change, places change. Im sure there will be some sort of "trials evolution" in the next few years, but trials does seem to have hit a brick wall.

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I've been riding trials for around 7 years, on and off. The same conversations are happening on here as when i first came on, it's extremely tedious answering the same questions over and over again. Plus all the young (might i add very cocky) riders invading this place acting big behind their computer screens... I only come on to check out what bikes are new on the scene and to have a general read of whats happening. To be honest, not alot happens in trials. It's mind numbing unless you're actually out on your bike having a laugh with your mates.

Hence the reason i hardly come on here.

peace out,


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When you get older and you find out about dipping your wick, doing drugs, and riding bmx - trials forum simply isn't as much fun.

Haha. Yes James.

But Trials is dying a death? I think it's hit the brick wall I talked about a 2ish years ago. When the whole new geometry phenomenon came about and bikes were that much better to ride and easier to push to the limits - progression was so fast.

Now everything's been refined so much, riding has pretty much reached a steady limit and the progression curve has levelled out. Only slight tweaks in geometry, a bit less weight, more practice or body strength result in the smallest progression - be it a cm or 2.

Maybe I'm out of the loop but can anyone honestly tell me a big event or defining moment that's happened in Trials in the last year? Wasn't "the cycle show" the big event of the year? I've not even heard a single story or video from it!

Cue: Everyone should ride Natural. Probably not wrong.

Edited by boon
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Maybe Matt, this is the calm before the storm. A few years ago trials took a leap where frame geometry stepped forwards and everything happened really fast. People spent the next couple of years trying different lengths and BB heights to find the balance. Most people have found that balance now, and vaguely know what they want from a frame.

Maybe 2009 will bring the next big step. The next new component that revolutionises the sport. The next new riding style/approach that changes how we all look at riding.

Maybe it wont. Maybe this is it. What we are currently riding are give or take the best trials bikes ever made, with the most optimum geometry possible, and we are using the best techniques and approaches to our riding. I doubt it though....

The forum is bigger than it ever has been, and trials seems to be a growing sport so the forum will continue to grow with it. Growing awareness of the sport means more exposure, means a bigger mix of personalities. Tensions will rise, especially with hormonal teenage boys, and new members will follow the established members lead. The forum is very different to the one I joined many years ago, but I'm very different to the 15 year old kid I was back then.

As far as I can tell simply the best thing to do is to carry on posting how you like, and others will follow. Lead by example. All these people posting in this thread who talk of a decline and a lack of trials chat posts, why not do something about it. If you see a tech questions thread with no answer, answer it and maybe someone will do the same when you post a tech question. If someone starts a discussion in chit chat and an argument begins, don't join in and add fuel to the fire, post a reply to pull the thread back on topic.

Finally I think you should ride some natural Matt. You might surprise yourself. I rather enjoyed it when I tried it a couple of weeks ago....

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Did you know that you can now get an eccentric BB that goes into your standard english BB frame thread. Only problem is, its hollowtech II, so not much use for us lot. Unless there's trials hollotech II cranksets out there?

does anyone know who does this bb?

oh and on the topic, its winter , thats why its quiet on the forum.

Edited by Christophe'
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I wouldn't say trials is specifically 'dying a death', but the usage of Trials Forum has decreased significantly by many members. I've seen lots of new riders in Guildford recently, but they don't want to join the forum, a few people know why.

I think TF is being used enough though, and soon no doubt there will be more riders around than ever before when parts become a lot cheaper.

Don't think the current financial economy helps either..

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Get a life outside of TF?
He's right, theres more to life than trials forum. plus its winter where most of us have contracted some form of cold or flu, its gets dark by 3-4pm, credit crunch and recession means that some of us have future job worries, or working extra hard for that inevitable rainy day, or january 09 sales. im sure by next spring/summer, posts will pick up. Another thing to consider is some of the lame non constructive posts that get recycled here time and time again because newer forum members are too darn lazy to use the search or links here. There has been a fair number of progressive 08 riding videos and clips which has remained pretty consistent here. Stan Shaw's recent vid has got everyone elses juices flowing with views and posts though were still waiting for Akrigg's brakeless part-3, and Damon's video-8, so there is plenty to talk about before this year is out. Edited by Rusevelt
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He's right, theres more to life than trials forum. plus its winter where most of us have contracted some form of cold or flu, its gets dark by 3-4pm, credit crunch and recession means that some of us have future job worries, or working extra hard for that inevitable rainy day, or january 09 sales.

The money worries/recession/redundancy talks lose their edge when you start talking about needless consumer activity ;)

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Trials-Forum is deffently not dying! :o The reason i come on here is because the amount of people there are, and the people are so much nicer. Other forums like Biketrials.ca or trials-online are totaly dead, there are only 6 active members on trials-online! And it takes like a week to get a response to your post... The only canadian site that has as much people on is observedtrials.net, but they are not very welcoming or nice... (N)

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On that note, I signed up to ridestreet a while back (As I do that kind of thing rather than trials) and they were all rude and unhelpful.

Y'all need to quit bitching, TF is one of the best forums on the net!

I wont hold the ridestreet thing against you, you traitor. but you say about being rude and unhelpful, but i went into NMC last night (maybe its where i belong, with my maturity levels) and admittedly the spelling and grammer wasnt all that. But the amount of full members just in there to give new members crap, is beyond a joke. I have to admit if i was a new member, id be fairly cheesed off with the way some of the full members them/their topics.

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