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Tf Is Dying A Death?

Has anyone seen my shoe?

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I always compare the way TF should be ran (with regards to SM and mods) with how the government is ran. If people like them, and they're doing a good job, they stay, if they aren't, they leave, can you imagine what would happen if that once they were in, they in for good.

So you mean that I get to be a mod for up to 4 years at a time, before anyone's allowed to vote me out? Or that I have to just do whatever pleases 100% of the people, 100% of the time, so I don't upset anyone and get 'voted out'? If that's the case, it'd be pretty tricky to work out how best to split my time - filming my "OBM walks on water" video, healing the blind, feeding 5,000 people with a fish and a bit of bread, and all the other assorted miracles I'd be able to do?

I'm not really here much any more because whereas TF's characteristic lack of any kind of mental maturity was once endearing, it's now f**king annoying, and the standard trials rider's mindset really isn't compatible with mine any more (See any thread where a new, different opinion about trials/anything is involved. It's insane how conservative most trials riders seem to be). It's a bit sad in a way, as TF's part of large part of my recent history, but times - and people - change.

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Point taken. It would spice things up, but then it would be taken far too seriously, an argument would kick off, someone would take offence, topic closed. That would spring up new arguments about over-bearing mods/admin bla bla bla.

But that happens now. :giggle:

So you mean that I get to be a mod for up to 4 years at a time, before anyone's allowed to vote me out? Or that I have to just do whatever pleases 100% of the people, 100% of the time, so I don't upset anyone and get 'voted out'? If that's the case, it'd be pretty tricky to work out how best to split my time - filming my "OBM walks on water" video, healing the blind, feeding 5,000 people with a fish and a bit of bread, and all the other assorted miracles I'd be able to do?

Yeah, pretty much.

But seriously, i was kind of aiming it towards SM's. No offense to SM's but mods actually do something directly that has a big impact on the forum, and leaving that decision down to regular members is a bit dicey. Plus if SM's were voted in, and admins pick new mods from the SMs the regular members would be somewhat be picking the mods anyway in an indirect way.

But like i said it doesn't need to be, i'm just not being incredibly anal, it would just be a bit of fun, keep things from being samey.

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I want my old account back but there's no way in hell I'll figure out the password. :(

Having seen the other side of a forum, I can tell you that you can have your password reset if you speak to the admins. They can change it to something, and tell you what it is, problem solved.

Why not just make it so the mods can make people SMs?

Get it done!

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But that happens now. :giggle:

Yeah, pretty much.

But seriously, i was kind of aiming it towards SM's. No offense to SM's but mods actually do something directly that has a big impact on the forum, and leaving that decision down to regular members is a bit dicey. Plus if SM's were voted in, and admins pick new mods from the SMs the regular members would be somewhat be picking the mods anyway in an indirect way.

But like i said it doesn't need to be, i'm just not being incredibly anal, it would just be a bit of fun, keep things from being samey.

Thats the thing though, SM's don't appear to do anything to you because you don't get to see our extra section of the forum ;) They do actually play a part in the ideas and running of the forum and help us out with decision making about various things on the forum.

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Everyone is too up on rules. Anality clearly leads to dryness. We need some underlying oral action, if anyone gets what I mean? Probably not but there is relevant meaning beneath the seemingly superficial sex humour (attempt) of my words.

So what your saying is... your going to sit inside my computer desk and give me blowjobs?

Sweet B)

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Anyway what's the point of these topics? If you keep mentioning that something is not right, eventually even those who don't see it will start thinking that things have gone downhill.

It's got a good discussion going on, which is a rare sight on here nowadays! Don't question it, just contribute of GTFO! :P

Also, if these topics didn't get made, Tom and Danny will start to think that they've made the perfect forum, and we don't want that do we?

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Sounds like someone's jealous...

Yeah i get told that all the time, it's kind of an obvious comeback. I don't want my pips coverd by some shitty SM sign. :P

Thats the thing though, SM's don't appear to do anything to you because you don't get to see our extra section of the forum ;) They do actually play a part in the ideas and running of the forum and help us out with decision making about various things on the forum.

I know, that's why i used the word 'direct'. Sm's do have an influence on the forum, but not in a direct way like the mods do.

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I might be slightly biased because I spend most of my time getting ready to kill an innocent child in afghanistan, but I find this place really boring now, an I think it's because the so called 'in crowd' got fed up with the younger idiots imitating things to death so they just don't post anymore. Whether you agree or not, I always thought it was most interesting on here when there was abit of friction, abit of banter and a humiliation pic every now and then. Someone let me know, does this still go on or has it been dampened down to death?

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You're working on the superficial level my friend. Although for the right price (£1.99) I'm sure each and every senior member would happily do that for you.

I'll do it at 15% vat seeing as its the credit crunch.

Lots have things have changed on the forum in the time I've used it. I think ultimately though, as time goes on, tf is being passed on to a new generation and many of the older members have simply stopped posting. Either through finding new interests, frustration at the younger generation, or perhaps a combination of both?

When you get older and you find out about dipping your wick, doing drugs, and riding bmx - trials forum simply isn't as much fun.

Sarcasm aside (as nowadays I need to put that to ensure protection from Bens anal crew), the newer members are ultimately responsible for the content of the forum.

How they choose to represent themselves and the sport is down to them. I strongly believe that we are in a rapidly changing sport though, as it develops and attracts wider audiences, the sport really has an opportunity to flourish. These aren't days of buying a 14" gt zaskar and sticking a set of p2's on the front with the best v brakes you can find, and a set of fsa power pro's. Infact I bet most newer members won't have a clue what I'm talking about. The reason for this is that the roots of the sport have rotted to an extent. I don't believe peoples values and perception of the sport is the same as it was and unfortunately this has led to a segregation within what should be a community. We need to learn to embrace the sport and encourage diversity within riding styles, and members of the community. Nowadays you can't post anything without being insulted or offended, and because of this the comical banter that made the forum such a good place to be has dissolved. I certainly don't post much at all nowadays, nor do I visit any other forums than chit chat and sm chat. I simply don't find the topics of conversation interesting. You can pretty much predict how a threads going to go by looking at the title.

Either way, if I make this post much longer no one will read it. I hope people get where I'm coming from though and my sentimental ramblings have been worthwhile.

James (ex trials rider)

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Cars are the reason I don't come on here much anymore but its probably for the best as alot of people seem to hate me! :giggle:
A quote from The Collective:

"There are so many kids who get to a certain level and stop. You know? They see car, beer, girls. What are you doing? There's car, beer, girls, and bike. Not just the three, you can have four!"


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Had a thought, when trials was younger is was get your hands on what you can, now everythings samey, everythings been done a thousand times over, and unless someone pulls off something biiggg, such as beau's gap drop on the harbour, no one will appreciate it, so inturn just pick things out that are wrong.

I havn't actually looked at trials parts for ages, but everything just started looking the same, no variation, which i find boring, then koxx came up with the camel and people dont like change, so it got alot of bad feedback.

EDIT: It'd be a laugh if they cloed the forum for this thread haha bunch of grumpy twats we are.

Edited by Alan
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I have discovered the reason for the "death" of TF. The credit crunch, that beautiful new cereal is keeping everyone from here and forcing them to eat it.

Heres another question then, do you think that TF is something that alot of people can grow out of?

Yay and Nay, A lot of people have grown out of the TF of 12 months ago, but its no longer the TF of 12 months ago, things have changed, I guess as the age difference between new rider and older rider grows(bear in mind 4 or so years ago, the majority of riders where all near enough the same age) the thing is now, theres 2 different age groups, theres those that havent been distracted from riding due to booze, drugs, and skirts so short they reveal traces of merkin yet, and those that have been distracted,and then come back to trials/had a few months playing round with aformentioned vices, and have now found a happy medium. As a result, youve got 2 groups of people whove got vastly different experiences in life, and views on the subjects discussed on TF (youve only gotta look at some of the racist banter that some uneducated 14 year olds spurt out(not necessarily on here i must add) or the views that some 12-13 year old kids have on drugs, that anyone who does drugs ends up mugging people for money and end up in council flats, compared to the views of some of the older members whove seen and experienced drugs first hand). Whilst in theory this could make for good discussions, it generally leads to arguments, which people get fed up with eventually, and start to stop posting/keep stuff to msn.

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