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Tf Is Dying A Death?

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as far as the joined thing goes, many people were around before november 2002, but there was the big forum crash when everyone's accounts were lost, so people had to re-join again. hence why I don't think there are any members officially joined pre nov 2002. I'd been on here a fair while before that happened

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To be fair, all the people saying sabout votes for SM's, theres a nomination topic in SM chat, with several very worthy candidates in there, but I think neither Danny or Tom are about here as much nowdays to make new seniors.

Saying that, why don't we get a few more admins?

Two or so monderators could get promoted? :)

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To be fair, all the people saying sabout votes for SM's, theres a nomination topic in SM chat, with several very worthy candidates in there, but I think neither Danny or Tom are about here as much nowdays to make new seniors.

Judging based on the report forms section alone Tom and Danny still have a very active part on this forum. They're here usually at least every other day sorting out reports and that's just the report section. I'm sure there is lots more that they do in the background... its just they're the biggest lurkers of them all :P

Saying that, why don't we get a few more admins?

Two or so monderators could get promoted? :)

Because this is Tom and Dannys baby, their creation. The only thing moderators would gain would be changing member status, probably access to the servers etc (no idea how it all works really) and being able to have complete control over peoples accounts and things rather than 80-90% control.

They're not really huge things to change how t-f has been since the beginning of time.

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I dont really know with TF, you see when i started posting back on here after initially joining, back in early 2006 everything just seemed relaxed, i was a noob as far as everyone knew, but i just went about posting as i would do on any other forum(was admin on a 3000+ member site at the time), but it wasnt like i tried to fit in, and stuff just worked(for me at least). But now, all I see is kids(sorry, but that is what you are) who ride, coming in and just trying to fit in, like its some kind of popularity contest.

Also, although there may be a fairer way to pick SM's, i dont think giving it to the vote of regular members is really all that brilliant an idea(obviously a short list, then everyone gets one vote, could possibly have elections campaigns, scandal, and under the table bungs, as that would certainly liven the whole thing up , could work -without the scams) but like in the last SM/Mod topic I seem to remember people like Sonny Clarke saying "Ill happily be a mod if you need more of them". Which is kind of my problem with having them just voted in, if a bunch of newer (but still full) members thought "hey Pete Wright and Charlie Jennings would make a brilliant moderating team" they could quite easily be voted in,as the idiot:genius ratio on here leaves a little to be desired.

As for the general lack of posting, its possible that due to the tensions between certain people on here, and a lot of us older lot generally not being too bothered about a bunch of 14 year olds seeing our posts, a lot of our discussion takes place on MSN.

Everything seems to be working as it is right now, no big arguments have happened for a while, no duels to the death at the Mansfield amputheatre in the last month(Tom Booth, if you wanna rumble, pm me) its not too bad, as lets be honest Tom and Danny could just go "bollox to the lot of you" and take the site down.

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who cares? the system works, leave it alone

Yep, we don't need more SM's anyway.

Indeed the forum is getting more stale recently especially in trials chat. Most topics in there are made by people seeking advice but because it's winter I'd think that many people just put their bikes away and therefore have nothing to ask about. It could be that or we could go with the recent trends and blame global warming.

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Everyone is going to see it differently from when they joined.

But i remember there was the regular posters, ask a question and you'd get a simple enough but to the point and helpful reply. I was lurking about trials sites a few years before i joined here, can always remember about a 3 second clip of somebody sidehopping a tennis court net (somebody may know who it was and/or still have the clip) think it may have been trials kings thinking about it so what year was that?

Anyway, everyone got on with everyone, joked with eachother and help eachother out. The site has grown alot since then, new names pop up every week, maybe due to the being able to change your own name thing? and wheres theres so many different types of people theres different groups of people, get to know eachother more on say msn and stick with eachother on here in arguments and friendly banter instead of reacting the same way anyone elses posts.

I don't ride anymore, but i used to come on here pretty much everyday so when i come online, its facebook then TF, and straight to chit-chat, then leave again, which i think is the same for quite a few people.

I think we should be able to close our own topics too, so they will still be there for everyone to see, but if you ask a question and get your reply, you can close it. Let's face it, alot of threads turn into an argument by page 2 anyway.

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TF has pretty much got everything in it you want/need to know about trials, all you need to do is search really. Theres not much need to make a new thread, unless its a new bike part, or your a lazy *unt...

I just come online, and go streight to chit chat, have a look in trials chat, maby for sale/wanted (if I have no moneys it depresses me :lol: ), then sometimes look in NMC and see a page full of re-posts and shit threads.

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TF is pretty good, but it just seems that what ever you say somebody doesn't like it and feels it's there place to trip you up on it. I remember when TF used to be cool, and if I saw a trials rider i'd ask them if they were on the forum, or tell them about it; but I don't anymore ;)

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TF is pretty good, but it just seems that what ever you say somebody doesn't like it and feels it's there place to trip you up on it. I remember when TF used to be cool, and if I saw a trials rider i'd ask them if they were on the forum, or tell them about it; but I don't anymore ;)

Theres our answer. Its all Pashleys fault! :P

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Are you serious? This is an internet forum in existence for the discussion of a sport involving people with little seats and no gears on their bikes. Yeah, fair enough, a good part of the forum is not related specifically to trials, but voting in SM's? Jesus. I normally have a wank when I get that bored, or perhaps just go outside and see whats happening in the real world.


You're missing the point though. Does tf need a voting system for the SM, no. But would it be a fun way to keep people a bit more active on the forum? Maybe, maybe not, maybe it's a shit idea. But something like this needs to be done. The last time anything changed around here was trials media and classified been split, and trials-tube. There just isn't enough going on. No fun competitions, not annual forum events. The last big video comp was 2006. TF doesn't need any of these things, it can just sit here as a "forum in existence for the discussion of a sport involving people with little seats and no gears on their bikes" but that on it's own isn't going to hold people for very long.

Edited by JT!
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That's true about the competitions. I started this years curb/kerb competition, and only had one person PM me their video! A few people said they would do it, including me, but no one really bothered. I know I'm also guilty for that, but meh...

I don't think we should have to spice up the forum with awards and things to make it more active. It's active every day! I like the idea though, it would be a lot more fun than what it is now...

Circus for 'The best quote award' :P

EDIT: I've just noticed, we're all moaning about how members can't hold a decent conversation... we've managed to get this thread into multiple pages without even a hint of it getting closed! :o

Edited by Dan6061
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I think one of the main reasons its getting boring for me is how I was around when all the 'latest trends' came around for the first time, and now seeing them make a comeback (as they always do) just gets pretty tedious, whereas the first time It was around i thought they were the best thing since sliced Bread. The most recent example is 'the game' that people are repeatedly insisting on posting and putting in there sigs etc. I think its literally just a case of having been a member here to long, its like going to college for ten years and watching how the fashion you followed in your first year makes a comeback in your 5th and then 10th etc.

Also i think the reason that comps and stuff are getting less enthusiasm is because the majority of posters on this forum aren't really that good any more so can't be bothered. no offence if i miss anyone but the only people who post a lot on here and who are also making videos to a pretty damn good standard are Damon Watson, Nick Manning and Scott Wilson oh and adam bessell and Ben Rowlands and rowan. Whereas 4+ years ago we had Nick G, James Porter, davetrials, trialskings, joe maher, jonny jones, elliot firth, sam wheeler, the boon, john shwresbury cls, tunni and many many more.

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You're missing the point though. Does tf need a voting system for the SM, no. But would it be a fun way to keep people a bit more active on the forum? Maybe, maybe not, maybe it's a shit idea. But something like this needs to be done. The last time anything changed around here was trials media and classified been split, and trials-tube. There just isn't enough going on. No fun competitions, not annual forum events. The last big video comp was 2006. TF doesn't need any of these things, it can just sit here as a "forum in existence for the discussion of a sport involving people with little seats and no gears on their bikes" but that on it's own isn't going to hold people for very long.

Point taken. It would spice things up, but then it would be taken far too seriously, an argument would kick off, someone would take offence, topic closed. That would spring up new arguments about over-bearing mods/admin bla bla bla.

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Point taken. It would spice things up, but then it would be taken far too seriously, an argument would kick off, someone would take offence, topic closed. That would spring up new arguments about over-bearing mods/admin bla bla bla.

Gotta love the TF system! :turned:

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