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Tf Is Dying A Death?

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I think thats quite perceptive.

:shifty: Its quite clear though when people pop out of the wood work as soon as someone mentions their name or someone you've not seen post in a while manages to make a decent reply within a few minutes of a topic being open.

I disagree with that completely and I think expressing such an opinion is probably only aggrevating matters rather than helping (just my opinion :) ). I think kids have always been the same, perhaps back in the day when trials was younger, there were less people into it, and they were more dedicated to the sport then the people that frequented the forum were different, but I think kids have always been kids. And if there has been a change surly its the fault of the adults (not necessarily parents) caring less and being less dedicated?

What I am saying is that if you want a change, and you care enough, then do something about it. Encourage debate, make a point of not making those witty comments. Dont just sit back say "oh kids today"! I'm not saying this is what you are doing, but just trying to make a point :D

It is completely true though. Kids nowadays are far gobbier than when i was the same age. Now you get groups of little kids walking round town trying to start fights with fully grown men. When did that ever happen?

Its also the kids on here that can't take or even just appreciate witty banter. The banter was a part of what made this place great, everyone got along despite things being said. Now though all the little runts run riot and throw a load of abuse if someone makes a joke about a dirtily worded sentence or something equally as trivial. Take mr grangers mis-contextual quote to highlight that borderline paedophilic sentence in this very thread. First thing i did was :lol: as it was clearly a successful attempt to make a funny, but a lot of newbies on here either wouldn't get it or misquote him asking "wtf iz that supost 2 meen m8!". Maybe its an age thing as this sport does primarily consist of youngsters, but at the same time the large inflow of youngsters vs the ever dwindling numbers of older members means that replying to all the posts and humour that is clearly taken the wrong way actually starts to push longer standing people to the sidelines. It causes a lack of relating and as a knock on effect means that the forum appears dead.

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Someone described a lot of TF as not a discussion, but a load of people all spouting opinions, and no one listening.

There's only a few threads I actively look at these days, and a few members I look out for, other than that I just lurk and moderate.

As for voting SMs in and out, people get the whole SM thing way out of proportion. The only reason SMs exist is to provide a group of people who can discuss forum matters, help keep things running smoothly and improving. The only people with power are mods and admins, which is a pretty thankless task.

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TF isn't dead, it's just completely different to how it was 4/5 years ago. I think one of the big parts of it are the sheer number of people on here who don't ride anymore (me included) - we're kind of here because we remember how it was, enjoyed the sort of banter that was here and generally like the people and feel of the place.

We - and I fully admit to suffering from this myself - don't seem to be able to handle it when someone new comes along and doesn't get the way it 'works'. We shouldn't expect them to, but maybe they should try harder too. You don't go into the army and then tell them you want everything changed - breakfast in bed and no playing with those dangerous weapon things please.

I'm at work and have spent like 20 minutes writing this and only got this far, and have completely forgotten my glorious flourished end of post that would end the topic. So please, continue.

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What i think you'll find is more accurate is that a lot more people lurk on the forum now rather than contributing to it, presumably because of the repetition and constant influx of new people. Older members just don't talk as much on here any more but rather sit back and watch the kiddies bitch and moan, waiting for the opportunity for a witty reply to notch the seemingly stupid new kids down a peg or two.

I think this is all too true I'm afraid, not too long ago there was fantastic threads with long random debates where people put thought and effort into posts and genrally ripped each other apart with banter. Nowadays I haven't really seen much of it... Not really any good topics like "If a plane was on a treadmill... would it take off" Were funny and enjoyable, everyone knew everyone was joking and it was a good light-hearted thing.

Even now-adays I've becombe a bit of a lurker, I stick my toe in quite often but never have much great to say as all the topics are rather fruitless and been done 100X before and its a bit old. Why do i hang around here still? I dunno guess I used to love my riding and this was "the place to be", it was great I could go on a ride with loads of people I had never met but knew through here and be known and that was amazing, always someone helpfull to give a helping hand with your bike and just a bunch of nice people.

Now all the new people seem a bit "meh", fun to have cheap digs at because they give you every opportunity to, but other than that they don't interest me and i tend to skim there posts. I still enjoy seeing posts from a fair few people who make me giggle. I'm still unsure wether its the forum thats got more boring, or just me getting older and being more busy and not understanding some of the "In" things. Mainly enjoy the photo thread to see what inspirational shots people have been taking, car thread genrally more mature people being grown up, but still a fair few yuts, and thats about it to be honest... Love riding pictures and videos, NMC to slate (such as oil VS water in magura debates (yay...)) but thats about where it ends.

Edited by The Simpson
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People have come and gone in the past, new users pop up, old ones disappear into the ether. Older members will always remember fondly how good it used to be, while younger members won't realise just how unusual, difficult, and fragmented trials was before the Internet.

I'm not sure if there's been a change in attitude, or if younger folk are more savvy when it comes to posting stuff on the Internet, but there's definatley a different style of posting these days. There's also far more focus when a group of people decide that something is important - like tucks.

It's easy to say that we're lacking good discussion, we're not. The problem is the signal to noise ratio is so high that a lot of the good stuff gets lost in amongst the dross.

I always believe that any forum lives and dies by the standards it holds. Standards are slipping, and the only reponse you get is "its a trials forum, not a spelling contest!!!" It's not about being perfect, it's about raising everyone to a standard which makes the forum a fun, productive place. Section7 used to be bemoaned by some folk as caring more about spelling and punctuation, but it hosted some really great discussions, and was vibrant while it lasted. It's not about quantity, it's about quality, and a lot of users would do well to keep that in mind, especially on a resource which costs them nothing...

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It's easy to say that we're lacking good discussion, we're not. The problem is the signal to noise ratio is so high that a lot of the good stuff gets lost in amongst the dross.

Surely that makes it our obligation to try and promote such discussion and not simply be a lurker?

I think this has got to happen, otherwise the newer members will have no idea of what TF should be, making the chance of death that much greater.

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Apologies for my useless drunken post on page one... :-

Anyway, Now you mention it, I see myself as a bit of a lurker. I usually come straight into Chit-Chat, see what's going on there, occasionaly get the jist of whatever the joke is, and join in to have a laugh. Most of the time though, like Tom said, there's so many brutal replies getting thrown about because of the littlist thing! It's getting stupid. I agree with the whole 'bandwagon' thing. Especially in NMC by the looks of it. For example, in a topic about his Magura flexing his frame, a couple of people tell him to get a booster, which will solve his problem, but more and more new members come into the thread just to post things like 'yeah, get a booster mate' What help is that when he's already been told that 5 times over?

Same with the arguements aswell, one person will comment on bad grammar or spelling, so everyone else does. They're a flock of sheep without a good hersdman.

From time-to-time I'll have a look in Trials-Chat, and try my best to help people out with bike problems, seeing as there we can have a fairly decent topic without all the bad spelling and repeated posts for several pages.

Oh, Would it be possible to make a sub-forum below chit-chat for all the locked threads? I've seen it on another forum and it was pretty interesting to read through. It helps you understand what you can/can't do/say on the forum, and also lets you keep track of funny topics that got closed... ;)

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Yeah, like that Romanian bloke in NMC who got a whole world of shit for poor grammar. I found his English to be better than that used by a good deal of other members who speak it as their first language.

I stood up for that guy. I'm all up for bashing 15 year olds that just can't be bothered to put the effort in, but that guy is still learning the language.

I don't think TF is dying a death, it's just changing.

Regarding Senior members, I think a vote now and then would be pretty cool. Everyone knows that only friends of the mods get made seniors though :P

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Most of my posts get hate in return - even though they're quite obviously taking the piss in a not-serious manner.

To be honest - I'm thinking that the SM's are going the wrong way about it.

Sitting back and watching new members start wars isn't going to make it any better.

You want the old days back? Bring them back.

Don't have a time machine? Well atleast try and EMULATE the old days, and I'll lend you mine when I next see you :-

I can't really talk - as I get landed in the middle of it quite often - but it's nothing regular members can't change.

Restart the banter - and I'll go along with you. (So long as I don't get any warn levels, due to some knobshaft 14 year old reporting me, 'cause he can't understand a joke, and is trying to stick up for someone he doesn't know to give him a bigger penis)

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I've just noticed I joined at the end of 2005 - never really noticed that before.

Anyway, I think the 'change' is that the new members have simply replaced the old - some of the more respected forum members have made themselves invisible (ie. Dr Greenthumb, poopipe, Siders77) and don't regularly post - although I still see one or two of them lurking around the forum from time to time.

If I'm to be completely honest, and a hypocrit, I think allowing memebers to change their names was a terrible idea - its taken away the 'individual' touch of members from the forum. Now when a well known member changes they're name I have to go on their profile and check who they were, its a bit of a pain in the arse - this means that I can't give a tongue in cheek reply to someone who I don't recognise because they'll freak out about it, when really its somebody that I know will see it as a joke, but I just can't be arsed to check all the details.

Obviously, I wish I never changed my name now (any bored Admins/Mods, feel free to give me anzo back) as I did it by guidance from a certain SM.

However, suppose we can't live in the past forever...

Edited by Baby Pizzle
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I don't like the name changes either. Some of the celebrity ones were funny, like JonMack being 'Mark King' and having kids message him saying stuff like 'My dad wants to know if you're the real Mark King!?' haha.

I never wanted to change my name on here, mainly because I can't think of anything else, I just can't do it. :P

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I guess I can be considered a lurker as well. I'm on here a lot, but very rarely post. And i'm only ever in chit chat. Can't remember when I joined either, I shall have a look when I post this!

EDIT: 2003-wow that has passed quickly

Edited by Wrayvon
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Oooooo, I know, let's turn this obviously quite serious topic into a competition about who joined when! What with the fact we can see your bloody joining dates when you post :rolleyes:

I joined a long long time ago, but this is a new account because I was a silly billy. I want my old account back but there's no way in hell I'll figure out the password. :(

And who said that anything here was getting repetitive?! :P

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