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16 years later

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So basically we've been flooded and my f**king dumb arse dad has not got contents insurance. But i think (he’s in Spain at the mo and don’t live at home no more :D ) he has got Flood cover. I’ve been looking at what flood cover is on the net but found nothing really and we don’t want to talk to the insurance company incase we don’t have cover.

So basically does anyone know what flood cover covers, does it cover the contents of the house, or just the house.

Thanks for your help


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How do you mean you "Don't want to talk to the insurance company is case [we] don't have cover"? If you call them and you haven't got cover, then you're in the same position you're in now. However, if you have got cover then you're sorted? You've pretty much got nothing to lose by calling them, have you?

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If you've got any intention of claiming then you've got to... well... talk to them, anyway, which is why it seems weird. There's no way you can get any money from them without actually trying to claim it, at which point they'll find out if you are/aren't entitled to any money?

Hopefully you are, anyway.

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Hopefully Yeah, we've had people come round and say we've got the have all new stuff and that, now they've gon and say that thay ate going to talk to the insurance company.

We know we dont have contente insurance, but i think we have flood cover.

So i am just wanting to know if anyone knows what flood cover is.


Edited by 16 years later
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If you have it - then you have it and your covered

If you don't have it - then you dont have it and your not covered..

and if you dont even have contents insurance then theres no way you could possibly claim on anything... unless you burn your house down... read the contract?

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If you have it - then you have it and your covered

If you don't have it - then you dont have it and your not covered..

and if you dont even have contents insurance then theres no way you could possibly claim on anything... unless you burn your house down... read the contract?

It's my shit head dad, and im only 16 so dont have anything to do with it really.

So if we have flood cover it cover the contents to.

Edited by 16 years later
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How the hell would any of us know what the small print of your policy is? Just go read it...?

when we got the cover the parents had split up and where not living together, my dad just told my mum that he had insured the house so she thought he would have got contents insurance, he is now in spain and has the documents at his house.

I am just wondering if the flood cover is the same allround and if it covers the contents of the house.

Thanks for all you help.

I’m just grasping at straws.

Edited by 16 years later
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Very doubtful, I was flooded last year, managed to save everything though as we could not get contents due to been robbed 4 times in about 3 months and my dad was told 'flood insurance' only covers the house.

That was what they told us anyway, depends what company your with i'm guessing, best bet would be to ring them and find out.


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It's pretty much a requirement of the mortgage company that you take out some form of building insurance (the mortgage company only care about protecting their investment, i.e. the building, hence the need for building insurance) and the flood cover would be part of the buildings insurance. This is generally separate to building & contents insurance, which as the name suggests covers both the structure and the belongings within it.

There's no way to know without reading through your actual documents or phoning up the insurer, but my initial guess would be that the flood cover would only pay out for any structural repairs needed on the building itself, not the stuff you own inside it.

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