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New video all about Adam Storey who spent the summer just gone in Swindon. We had a great time riding with him and I managed to film some of his being super smooth. The video has some more sureal and less serious elements, something which I needed to emphasise because recently I haven't found much motivation with editing.

Get it here - 300mb file size aprox. and just over 4mins aprox.

Out of interest, do people recognise my attempts to correlate the music with the riding? I was thinking that perhaps people listen to music in different ways, picking up or emphasising different parts. If this were so they might not recognise my attempts and would experience the video in quite a different way. I'm interested what people experience though so please let me know :)

Music in order of occurence is:

Casino versus Japan

Animals on Wheels

Russian Circles

Boards of Canada


Hope some of you enjoy >_<

edit: audio and visual degrades if watched in vimeo - I really recommend downloading from vimeo instead

Edited by Ben Rowlands
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Downloading... I have high hopes, for this :)

Edit: Really enjoyed that.

Love your music selection, in videos.

Not sure what you mean, to be honest. Was jut like a normal video - but with much better quality, and in a different overall style.

Edited by aener
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wow that was awesome. very good rider. as to the last bit of the video, how could you find out whether you have the same perceptual filter as people when you created the material that is being interpreted by you and others, surley if someone else made that and showed it to you it could mean a whole number of things. Your perception of it may have changed if you didnt know the intentions of the creator.

Edited by ilikeriding
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wow that was awesome. very good rider. as to the last bit of the video, how could you find out whether you have the same perceptual filter as people when you created the material that is being interpreted by you and others, surley if someone else made that and showed it to you it could mean a whole number of things. Your perception of it may have changed if you didnt know the intentions of the creator.

My questioning was more specific to my attempts to correlate the music with the riding. I think people can listen to music in different ways and as a consequence not neccesarily pick up on the changes or events with music that are meant to be associated with an event or change of riding/scene. I guess this is kind of picking up on my intention but in this sense, we can talk, indicate and understand if we are sharing the same recognition of sound correlating with visual occurence. I think we can establish to a good degree anyway if we share the same meaning in other terms simply through discussion. Of course it's debatable how much we can communicate as to the meaning we are experiencing or thinking. Thanks for your comment anyway.

awesome video, line at 3:00 = thumbsupanim.gif x 13

Yeah, that's my favourite line too. He did with such ease...

Ending though, inside joke Ben? tongue.gif Still very good video, another keeper

No inside joke, I'm just allowing the expression of things it would probably be better to usually hide. I have an affinity for the strange and sureal :)

Edited by Ben Rowlands
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hahaha! that was the best thing in the world...ever...!! :)

Ben I love you so much for making this...and 3 people with my head! Big thanks to everyone i met in Swindon and the other places I visited over the summer...I had a jolly good time and have decided to go back next year!

Massive thanks again chaps.


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Downloading now ben , really looking forward to watching it was wondering earlier today actually when you were going to release this!

Will drop some comments up once i have had a chance it watch it.

EDIT: real good riding story, not sure where i was on most of these day's but have not seen you do most of those lines.

Ben that editing with the heads at the end was well random but made me laugh!

If you have ever ridden adam's bike, then you will realise how mad he is, considering his brake's hardly work!

Keep it up man, you always seem to be getting better and better!

P.S i still have your brake sat in my room ben! weather is looking up and i have a day off thursday fancy a ride somewhere....

Edited by TrialsGilly
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very nice video. i really like the colors in the clips. what camera were you using, and how much job did you put into altering the clips to looks this good? big cred for the camerawork aswell, assuming its done with a good consumer camera it looks very smooth.

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very nice video. i really like the colors in the clips. what camera were you using, and how much job did you put into altering the clips to looks this good? big cred for the camerawork aswell, assuming its done with a good consumer camera it looks very smooth.

My camera is a sony HDR FX7E. In terms of producing my shots and editing them, I have manual settings on the camera but regarding post production, I only really apply changes of brightness and contrast. Unfortunately I don't have the skills to make adjustments beyond that.

Cheers for all the kind comments, chaps.

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that's an AWESOOOOME job mate

I m a movie fan, I like ridley scott, james cameron, michael mann etc...And I really enjoy great photography jobs and deep atmosphere.

and I found in your vid the kind of work that I appreciate in a pro movie...

So yeah...that's the best compliment I can give you

and riding was great too, technical street for the win

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