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How To Progress

its mark

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Was Wondering (as i'm new to this) what i should try to learn first (spins, bunyhops, things that are usefull to know, ect ect)

never done trials before, and wasnt really sure what i should concentrate on learning first.

any help, stories or whatever would be great !


Mark :D

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Well, I'm in the same situation as you mate. Over the last few days on this forum I've picked up that learning to balance well, and pedal kicks are the main thing you need to learn. After that its all just practice and trying new things to progress :)

I found a few video's on youtube on how to do those things if you would like me to find them again for you ?

Also, have you come from another type of biking ? See, I've come from downhill/4X/Street and DJ. Most of the things I've learned from that i can put into my trials riding. From simple things like balancing and bunny hops, to things like endu 180's and rock stepping etc... :)


Edited by Chris.
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yeah man, have done a bit of most stuff, mainly downhill and XC, would be good to see those vids aswell (if you dont mind)

am not bad at banance, but its the other trialsy kinda stuff am pathetic at, so a guess its just a case of tryin it till a can do it !

cheers !

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well what i did first was learnt how to balance on the back wheel first then gradualy do some static hops whilst on the wheel. once your confident at them try throwing in a pedal kick then it just evolves from there . cheers jack . and also wheelying on a mountain bike may sound stupid but it helps you find your balance point easyer so give that ago ;)

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what I did?

I uploaded some awesome videos to my ipod, went out with a bike.....watched how it was done and tried it over and over (like pedal up).

then i started to ride with other riders. was a bit shy to ride among best riders in the city, not knowing how to stay on back wheel. but they accepted me, taught me how to do everything.

Mostly you just need to practice a lot. Choose a stunt and do it over and over until you do it really clear. Try to do it good, rather than high

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